Thread Closed

Shame or Fame for McCormack.

Bravo Susan McDonald, bravo in the sense of fearless because it takes a strong sense of duty to expound on what maybe construed as criticism of the incumbent National Party oversight of transport in the Coalition government. ‘Oversight’ in this case looking right over and avoiding any view of the wreckage of matters aviation that’s been caused by successive governments. In Coalition the aviation responsibility has always been in the transport portfolio which has for many years gone to the National Party.

In 2005 I led a deputation to the then Minister Warren Truss, leader of the National Party, about the parlous state of General Aviation (GA) with some ideas to stem the decline and stimulate growth. Three of us made the journey to Melbourne, and my then federal MP, who made the appointment attended also, to meet the Minister and his advisor. We had a short prepared submission which I attempted to deliver only to be cut short by Mr. Truss who proceeded to tell us that any possible shortcomings in regular GA were more than made up by growth in the low weight category.

In other words this deputation was a total and complete waste of time and money.  We can only hope that sooner or later the blindingly obvious will be recognised by senior people in Cabinet who might just see that this country cannot afford huge fee gouging bureaucracies who stymie free enterprise to maintain their feather beds at the expense of the taxpayer.

Perhaps, or, if the massive COVID induced fiscal black hole causes the government to look about for efficiencies and areas that can grow then GA might see some reforms.

Sadly Sandy, I fear the diminished voice of GA will be drowned by the competing voices of the more vocal interests of those who shout the loudest. There are signs that the competing interests within GA have finally twigged to the fact that they have been played for suckers by the regulator and are now beginning to realise that if they don't start shouting with one voice together, CAsA will continue, as it has so successfully done, divide the industry into squabbling groups easily manipulated and suppressed by the bureaucrats.

The corruption and ineptitude is becoming so blatant now that maybe, just maybe, there is a chance. Shedding light on the pogrom perpetrated by the regulator is not an easy task. The industry is fighting a very cunning and ruthless enemy, unless we band together there is very little hope of defeating them.

Slightly understated?– Just a bit.

TB - “Shedding light on the pogrom perpetrated by the regulator is not an easy task.

It is ducking mission impossible. Over the past thirty years (that's three decades in new money) how many 'inquiries' and reports have been (at great expense) made? Every single one of them damning. How many, in total,  'recommendations' have been handed down? How many of those survived beyond the printing? And that, boys and girls is only for the 'surface' stuff – the easily visible, lightweight 'fluff' and dandruff visible on the expensive lapels of the ministerial hand made suit.

TB - “The industry is fighting a very cunning and ruthless enemy, unless we band together there is very little hope of defeating them.”

There is no hope at all; well, not without two vitally essential elements being in place. A minister in concert with a DAS who mean to clean out the swamps of Sleepy Hollow; start afresh with a new Act, FAA regulations, industry people manning the rigging and closing the door firmly on the 'induced fear' being whispered. But – to do that there needs to be a change within the industry itself. It becomes a question of 'credibility' and 'liability'.

Lets say you are 'the minister' – a politician – with all the attendant personal concerns for survival. In one building there exists a body of government approved hand picked 'experts' who can, will and do almost anything protect the ministerial, and by extension, the sensitive areas of the political rump. Across the street; a self serving commercial interest; equally venal, offering no support to the politician. Indeed it houses those who will be the first to point the finger at the 'government' should there be a meltdown or a world class accident. At which door would you have the limo pull up at if you needed advice on matters aeronautical? 

The 'key' (IMO) resides in the DAS office. Get the right man (or woman) into that office and watch the industry flourish once more. A 'good' Skipper, backed by a proactive, involved board, which can walk the tightrope of reform and thread the needle of repair, while soothing the fear resident in the political breast For change there must be; and soon. Industry cannot possibly progress without serious change; across the spectrum. There are some excellent working models on offer, there are even some clever honest folk who would be happy to put a shoulder to the wheel in order to extricate Australian aviation out of the swamps and mires of Sleepy Hollow. Much depends on who gets the top job - and what sort of 'team' is presented. Time will tell the fate of this woebegone industry.

Whoa; key board fever. No harm done -

Toot toot.

The Golden Cushion handicap.

AKA the Director of Aviation Safety (DAS) one horse race – winner take all. Can't get anything from 'the Bookie' – shop closed. But, it occurred to me, so I did a quick ring -around, just to confirm that very few realise the 'power' that the one sat on the Golden Cushion has; or, just how very important the job is.

Take a wide view – 'government' cannot, even if there was a collective will to do so, change the regulator – shit scared that the 'do-do' will land on them; and, they do so enjoy their 'bipartisan' rubber stamp and 'get out of jail' cards.

The 'departments' may influence – but to ring in the changes, they must convince not only a minister; but his 'advisors' and his party that 'aviation safety' has become nothing more than a rip-off and the 'government' has been fully aware – by the gentle squeezing applied to their balls – that any aviation accident will end up as their responsibility. So can the idea that senior 'crat's will weigh in with any sort of 'stand up' advice. Forget it.

Which leaves industry to bring home the truth – but which industry? Not the 'heavies' – they can and do tell CASA to go boil their heads with the impunity borne of experience, expertise and a solid track record. The 'Charter' market players and 'light' regional air services are, whether they like it or not, subservient to the dictates of CASA. They stay alive and working simply because they have learned to 'go along' to 'get along' – no matter what the ridiculous imposts are inflicted; terrified to raise even the smallest objection to the lunacy of Part 61. That leaves the 'light' end of town; standing alone; baying at the moon or howling in the wilderness. Talk about a knife to a gunfight – Sheesh!

However – with the right DAS – this could all change, almost overnight. Directing – as 'the' director, the way matters aeronautical shall – henceforth – be managed. Convincing the 'minister' de jour that the way out of the pits of poverty hell is 'this way'. Quietly, but with purpose, changing the mind set of his minions and discarding the manic, paranoid advice from 'legal'. A decent DAS could, with very little effort, in almost a heart beat, see this nations aviation industry struggle out of the swamps, free to make their own way toward a thriving business entity employing thousands – producing home grow pilots and engineers (can't call 'em mechanics) not the pitiful handful keeping their jobs by the skin of their teeth.

It all comes down to 'the right man' – on the Golden Cushion, clutching the poison chalice with both hands – unafraid to lead – on not too shabby a stipend – the aviation industry out of the mists and swamps, grown stagnant by decades of self aggrandising mental bantam weights.

Make no mistake – the next DAS can make or break the fortunes of aviation in this once proud land. Let us all hope the powers that be back the right animal in a one horse race.

'K' refuses to 'make the book' – not for lack of entries – but for what will follow if another, like St Commode and his merry little band of mates gain the ascendancy. The book for the result of that travesty occurring is alive, well and in complete control. The long (long) odds favourite is for the USA to 'assist; second is the Kiwi (similar odds) first eleven to step in and assist the next minister. By the by; you can't get better than  5/1 odds on for a new minister – once this bloody virus thing is over. Gone Goose top weight favourite.

That's my bit done – FWIW. The eight hour rule is now irrelevant - “Yes please – and, on the ministers tab – “Cheers”......

[Image: Untitled%2B2.jpg]

Update to the MIA 'Village Idiot' -  Rolleyes

First courtesy of the Morning Mail... Wink 

 A government labouring under the weight of a moron!

[Image: mccormack-e1545246904518.png]

01.10.20.  Is Scott Morrison just too thick to understand that his deputy is an embarrassment to the nation—an idiot on the world stage? Known as, “The Village Idiot” Michael McCormack has become accepted a government that fails to see the extent of his buffoonery. The media knows that McCormack is their man when they want to expose a politician as a clown. He is the perfect patsy for ridicule and “Strewth” Editor Alice Workman will make you laugh as she yanks the strings on marionette ever ready to oblige. Sad that it is!

Michael McCormack is one in a melon.
“We abhor anybody who does the right thing by young people, backpackers, whatever the case might be as far as the conditions of living, as far as paying the right wages, as far as doing the right thing,” the Deputy Prime Minister declared. We’ll go ahead and assume Big Mac isn’t bananas for anyone who does the wrong thing.

Apple of Big Mac’s eye

Maybe he wasn’t peeling well.

Don’t worry, the DPM recovered the one way he knows how — by connecting with core constituents.

“Have a go, come to regional Australia. Bring your mobile, have that Instagram moment because up a ladder, picking fruit, blue sky in the background, wonderful country breeze, wonderful friends around. You’ll find more friends, you might find the love of your life out in regional Australia. ”

A pear-fect couple? We’re sure unemployed yoof will be cherry grapeful.

Question: “Do you really think young people are going to go out to these areas and pick fruit, just doin’ for the gram. Like, is that a serious suggestion?”

McCormack: “Well they should. At the end of the day, they should.”

Next, what exactly is in the Wagga Wagga water that seems to attract dodgy arsed, weak minded, witless wonders to the political arena??

Via Twitter:

Quote:[Image: CyvxMMhUcAAuz7w?format=jpg&name=small]

Privileged to be with Daryl Maguire and Manuel, Sandra & Daniel Donebus at opening of Enixus, a big new feature of Wagga's business skyline

Then there is the 'passing strange' affinity for the Mick Mack office to hire former advisors and staff of political and bureaucratic associates?? 

Via the SMH:

Daryl Maguire's former staffer now working for Deputy Prime Minister

By Angus Thompson and Lucy Cormack
October 14, 2020 — 6.27pm

A former staff member of Daryl Maguire who told a corruption inquiry she was instructed to delete material from his electorate and parliamentary offices is now working for Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack.

The Independent Commission Against Corruption last week heard Sarah Vasey was employed as a media advisor in the electorate office of the former Wagga Wagga MP when he told staff to "get rid of everything" following his resignation from Parliament in 2018.

[Image: 71b82efd882d7645998f4bc1816f6d8bab6c7f80]
Sarah Vasey leaves the ICAC after giving evidence last week.CREDIT:NICK MOIR

Ms Vasey gave evidence in person that Mr Maguire's appearance before a separate inquiry that year had prompted him to ask her to "discreetly" arrange for data on three devices to be transferred onto a USB and put it in her handbag for "safekeeping".
She told the inquiry she had the USB in her possession when Mr Maguire's son James phoned the electorate office to say that ICAC officers were raiding the family's Wagga Wagga home.

Ms Vasey left the office and took the USB to her house. She eventually returned the USB to him and, at a BBQ at a later date, he told her the USB stick had "met an unfortunate accident in the paddock".

"I didn’t want them finding it on my person, like, in the office, concealing," Ms Vasey told the inquiry on October 7.

[Image: 8cb6995181b342ca23be3759d7c3bc96b3e02b5c]
Ms Vasey worked for former Wagga Wagga MP Daryl Maguire.CREDIT:JAMES BRICKWOOD

"I made a very poor choice."

Asked whether she believed the scenario would reflect badly on her, she replied, "yes."

Since 2018, Ms Vasey has taken up a job at Mr McCormack's Riverina electorate office in Wagga Wagga, where, according to local sources, she has been employed on a part-time basis for several months.

Asked by the Herald whether Ms Vasey would continue to be employed by Mr McCormack following the revelations, and whether she retained his confidence as an employee, a spokesperson for the federal Nationals leader said she remained in the job.

"As the ICAC investigation is ongoing, it would not be appropriate to provide any further comment," the spokesperson said.

Mr Maguire, who was the local member for Wagga Wagga from 1999 until he was ousted almost 20 years later, faced the ICAC on Wednesday over allegations he misused his position as a public official to broker business deals.

Premier Gladys Berejiklian revealed at the inquiry on Monday that she and Mr Maguire were in a five-year "close personal relationship".

Mr Maguire admitted at the ICAC that he "monetised" his parliamentary office by using his status as an MP for the financial gain of himself and his associates, and that he received tens of thousands of dollars in "success fees" from Chinese nationals as part of a cash-for-visas scheme.

Asked by the Herald whether allegations regarding Mr Maguire had ever been brought to his attention, a spokesperson for Mr McCormack - who was first elected to the regional seat in 2010 - answered, "no."

Asked whether Mr McCormack was aware of what Ms Vasey had been directed to do by Mr Maguire before hiring her, the spokesperson answered, "no." comment - YET!  Rolleyes

MTF...P2  Tongue


Is our witless wannabe wunning a wefuge for 'wonged' women  or, a protection racket to keep paying those who know exactly what 'wong' did wot? The tea lady from RAOz is enjoying the largess of ministerial employment – having shafted one of the two Michael's and ending up as 'adviser' to the witless wondering Wagga two button mandarin. (Kite flying qualification- see Flashman).

Once is circumstance – but twice? The 'employment' of Vasey – by the Wagga boy with an identity crisis smacks of Soy sauce on the prawn dumplings. How many more can be safely hidden within the deputy PM's funding ambit; and, be paid? Who is actually forking out the dollars to retain these 'battered women'? I ask you; 

“Ms Vasey gave evidence in person that Mr Maguire's appearance before a separate inquiry that year had prompted him to ask her to "discreetly" arrange for data on three devices to be transferred onto a USB and put it in her handbag for "safekeeping".

ICAC need to get a bead on those who have 'drifted' away from the spotlight and into the safe shadow of McCormack's pension scheme. Does the additional funding; outside his 'staff' allocation come from the good citizens of Wagga Wagga or Wuhu?

“Ms Vasey left the office and took the USB to her house.”

What sort of outfit, and what sort of people are we dealing with here? The lady is prima facie  'in the gun' – this is illegal. Jail? – No way – employed now by the Australian DPM; the carpet sweeper. WTD?

“Since 2018, Ms Vasey has taken up a job at Mr McCormack's Riverina electorate office in Wagga Wagga, where, according to local sources, she has been employed on a part-time basis for several months.”

Maguire is 'Wagga' connected; the DPM is another: a Wagga witless, wandering, worthless, wannabe Elvis, is also fond of Chinese food. They seem to eat this stuff in copious amounts, on a regular basis, no doubt taking their 'advice' from 'the' fortune cookies' so liberally bestowed.

Wing and Wang and Whatisname
Went down to the river to bathe
The crocodile got Whatisname, now
Who do you think got saved?

Fair Dinkum, I'm sick of it. We are humbled by being almost a subservient vassal of foreign investment; where are the investors in Australia who are actually 'Australian'. We seem to be endlessly Kow-Towing to those who have clandestinely, but in the open, with assistance bought and paid for the running of this nation. China is 'booming' – Australian integrity bought, paid for and used like a (words fail)  . Maybe P2 is correct – there must be something in the Wagga water supply that blinds and corrupts. Well, I ain't going there for a weekend of frolic and fantasy – but perhaps a visit to the cenotaph may remind me of what we fought so long and so hard for.

[Image: Flame_wagga_day.jpg]

Joining dots and dashes on wuh,wuh,wuh, Wagga's witless wonder?? -  Rolleyes 

Ref from above -  Wink

(10-15-2020, 07:19 PM)Peetwo Wrote:  Update to the MIA 'Village Idiot' -  Rolleyes

Next, what exactly is in the Wagga Wagga water that seems to attract dodgy arsed, weak minded, witless wonders to the political arena??

Via Twitter:

Quote:[Image: CyvxMMhUcAAuz7w?format=jpg&name=small]

Privileged to be with Daryl Maguire and Manuel, Sandra & Daniel Donebus at opening of Enixus, a big new feature of Wagga's business skyline

Then there is the 'passing strange' affinity for the Mick Mack office to hire former advisors and staff of political and bureaucratic associates?? 

Via the SMH:

Daryl Maguire's former staffer now working for Deputy Prime Minister

By Angus Thompson and Lucy Cormack
October 14, 2020 — 6.27pm

A former staff member of Daryl Maguire who told a corruption inquiry she was instructed to delete material from his electorate and parliamentary offices is now working for Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack.

The Independent Commission Against Corruption last week heard Sarah Vasey was employed as a media advisor in the electorate office of the former Wagga Wagga MP when he told staff to "get rid of everything" following his resignation from Parliament in 2018...

[Image: 71b82efd882d7645998f4bc1816f6d8bab6c7f80]
Sarah Vasey leaves the ICAC after giving evidence last week.CREDIT:NICK MOIR

...Asked whether Mr McCormack was aware of what Ms Vasey had been directed to do by Mr Maguire before hiring her, the spokesperson answered, "no."

(10-15-2020, 09:29 PM)P7_TOM Wrote:  Wescued?

Is our witless wannabe wunning a wefuge for 'wonged' women  or, a protection racket to keep paying those who know exactly what 'wong' did wot? The tea lady from RAOz is enjoying the largess of ministerial employment – having shafted one of the two Michael's and ending up as 'adviser' to the witless wondering Wagga two button mandarin. (Kite flying qualification- see Flashman).

Once is circumstance – but twice? The 'employment' of Vasey – by the Wagga boy with an identity crisis smacks of Soy sauce on the prawn dumplings. How many more can be safely hidden within the deputy PM's funding ambit; and, be paid? Who is actually forking out the dollars to retain these 'battered women'? I ask you; 

“Ms Vasey gave evidence in person that Mr Maguire's appearance before a separate inquiry that year had prompted him to ask her to "discreetly" arrange for data on three devices to be transferred onto a USB and put it in her handbag for "safekeeping".

ICAC need to get a bead on those who have 'drifted' away from the spotlight and into the safe shadow of McCormack's pension scheme. Does the additional funding; outside his 'staff' allocation come from the good citizens of Wagga Wagga or Wuhu?

“Ms Vasey left the office and took the USB to her house.”

What sort of outfit, and what sort of people are we dealing with here? The lady is prima facie  'in the gun' – this is illegal. Jail? – No way – employed now by the Australian DPM; the carpet sweeper. WTD?

“Since 2018, Ms Vasey has taken up a job at Mr McCormack's Riverina electorate office in Wagga Wagga, where, according to local sources, she has been employed on a part-time basis for several months.”

Maguire is 'Wagga' connected; the DPM is another: a Wagga witless, wandering, worthless, wannabe Elvis, is also fond of Chinese food. They seem to eat this stuff in copious amounts, on a regular basis, no doubt taking their 'advice' from 'the' fortune cookies' so liberally bestowed.

Wing and Wang and Whatisname
Went down to the river to bathe
The crocodile got Whatisname, now
Who do you think got saved?

Fair Dinkum, I'm sick of it. We are humbled by being almost a subservient vassal of foreign investment; where are the investors in Australia who are actually 'Australian'. We seem to be endlessly Kow-Towing to those who have clandestinely, but in the open, with assistance bought and paid for the running of this nation. China is 'booming' – Australian integrity bought, paid for and used like a (words fail)  . Maybe P2 is correct – there must be something in the Wagga water supply that blinds and corrupts. Well, I ain't going there for a weekend of frolic and fantasy – but perhaps a visit to the cenotaph may remind me of what we fought so long and so hard for.

[Image: Flame_wagga_day.jpg]

P2 footnote to the P7 post above, ffwd to 04:00 minutes with this Skynews AJ segment from last nightUndecided

Now rewind in time to this post here: Timeline of miniscule corruption - Part II

[Image: EOzXh6XUwAAfIhF?format=jpg&name=small]

Plus top of this Mick Mack page with this post: If not; why not?

MTF? - Definitely...P2  Tongue

Can'tberra claims the lost Village Idiot -  Rolleyes

[Image: 12639164-16x9-xlarge.jpg]

'A bargain... in time': McCormack says $33m airport land buy will pay off

In QT today at the APH Mick Mack was finally claimed by a village in response to his (above) foot in mouth comment:  

MTF...P2  Tongue

TICK TOCK goes the miniscule's Play School clock -  Confused

Via the 20/20 thread:

(10-21-2020, 06:11 AM)Kharon Wrote:  IF YOU READ NOTHING ELSE this week; please take a moment to read – THIS – from the erudite, articulate 'Lead Balloon' on the UP forum.

We will ensure it gets delivered to the Senate RRAT crew; it may provide a pathway to sanity and a clear line to the committee actually achieving some kind of result; even at the glacial speed they move at. If yesterday's pathetic effort is what we may expect in the anticipated 'inquiry', then that committee needs all the help it can get.

Sandy in follow up reply to Leady's erudite post -  Wink

Quote:Lead Balloon firmly grounded with facts

The essential element that needs to be propounded over again and again is that Parliament is responsible for the extraordinary crushing of what should be a thriving Australian General Aviation (GA) industry via it’s creation the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) and by Parliament’s total acquiescence to that body.

The independent corporate body model of governance, being practically divorced from Ministerial oversight and is not tied to the Public Service pay scales, and, as a corporate entity, may be sued has proven to be a resounding failure. It was also touted, originally, when shoved out of Departmental auspices, as a Government Business Enterprise (GBE). Never was there such a contradiction of terms, Government is not a commercial entity and has demonstrated time and again it has not the expertise nor the incentives to make profitable business. The idea that these ‘GBEs’, or other such Commonwealth corporate bodies, which are monopolistic regimes (illegal if true businesses) can ever be anything like a business is total pie in the sky, has no rationale, let alone commonsense. Is it any wonder that CASA devises ever more unnecessary and complex rules for which permits are required and thus we have fee gouging on an industrial scale never seen before in any area of the ‘Public Sector.’ This was once known as the Public Service, but now being a ‘Sector’ it has become a rival, with state sanctioned monopoly power, with private enterprise. The GA industry is virtually on it’s knees, the CASA make work program continues unabated in spite of COVID 19, and now it cries poor for money to support it’s $190,000,000 pa appetite because the fuel levy monies are not flowing to it. It’s CEO is paid c. $650,000 and several senior managers also are paid more than the Minister who is supposed to have responsibility. There’s been not one Minister with sufficient sense of duty or the internal fortitude to rein in this beast.

if anyone is aggrieved or simply feels duty bound to exert influence to see changes for the betterment of GA then the first port of call is your local federal Member of Parliament. The only way that our democracy can work properly is for individuals to engage with their MPs who are paid to represent each of their constituents. As we have seen time and again since 1988 trying to reason with the CASA has largely been a waste of time, with perhaps some steps in the right direction in the late 90s due to some exceptional and tenacious effort by certain individuals, and one in particular.

This engaging with MPs, and our state Senators, will not greatly impress if its just one email every year or two. Some constancy is required and the more numbers the better. Joining a political party is better again, you will have more access and may gain more attention and influence in pursuit of sensible policies for GA and all of our aviation industry.

And also in reply RatsoreA draws attention to this Canberra Times article - Shy :

Workplace problems plaguing CASA present serious risk for air disaster: Professionals Australia

[Image: r0_0_5568_2957_w1200_h678_fmax.jpg]
 Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack says CASA is appropriately funded and staffed to ensure the necessary safety checks are completed. Picture: Dion Georgopoulos

It is also worth reading the Compressor Stall and LB posts that follow - from HERE.

MTF...P2  Tongue

(10-20-2020, 02:44 PM)Peetwo Wrote:  Can'tberra claims the lost Village Idiot -  Rolleyes

[Image: 12639164-16x9-xlarge.jpg]

'A bargain... in time': McCormack says $33m airport land buy will pay off

In QT today at the APH Mick Mack was finally claimed by a village in response to his (above) foot in mouth comment:  

The claimed lost village idiot series continues - Rolleyes :

MTF...P2  Tongue

Not only, but also.

I reckon its worth tacking this item from Sky News onto the P2 posts. This fellah has to go. The nation is slowly plodding it's way back to normality; ScoMo seems to keeping things on an even keel – last thing the government needs is to be tainted by any hint of scandal. All the good work done flushed away, the voting public already angry and seeking an excuse to lash out; and, this sort of mud sticks to everyone. I'd find a friendly bus going past parliament house and give the village idiot a nudge in the general direction thereof.

'Power & Passion' (Treasurer Frydenberg) vs the QT (Village Idiot) Bully Rolleyes

The following is in my mind perfect examples of moments in time, which go to the competency/incompetency of the senior members of the ScoMo Federal Government cabinet :

Frydenberg Chocfrog award speech -  Wink

"...The Victorian people have been magnificent. The Victorian people 's dedication and their commitment to adhering to the rules have seen the number of daily cases reduced to zero yesterday and today , and it is their victory and no-on e else's victory . The Victorian people have suffered so much  the pain, the cost, and the loss of Victorian people. It should never ever have come to this. With the greatest respect to those opposite, the comparison is not with the United Kingdom, the comparison is not with the United States; the comparison is with New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania and South Australia...

...I am so happy to join with all those in this place in celebrating the fact that the numbers have come down. But don't pretend there hasn't been a price. And the price has been immense, and the cost couldn't have been higher for more than six million Victorians. So today we give thanks for those numbers coming down. We give thanks to those Victorians who have paid the ultimate price and to their families. We say thanks to those health workers who have been working so hard, together with our Defence Force personnel who have been working with the Victorian government. We, on this side of the House, have stood with Victorians since the start of this crisis, we have stood with Victorians through this crisis and we will stand with Victorians to the end of this crisis..."

Vs this self-serving bollocks  -   Angry

God help our industry because this Minister never will... Dodgy

MTF...P2  Tongue

The latest from the 'Village Idiot Times'Rolleyes

Via Social media:

Michael McCormack
Nov 9
We've protected, backed & supported our aviation sector through #COVID with our domestic aviation initiatives.

That's what a good Government does – it backs our workers, it backs our economy & backs our nation.

That's what the @LiberalAus & @The_Nationals Government is doing.

Shannon Wells absolutely nails it in his reply... Wink

Quote:Shannon Wells

We still got charged @CASABriefing fees and when I wrote to you, you said tough luck - you are a disgrace to claim to say you’re helping aviation apart form your mates at REX @CatherineKingMP @aopaaustralia @PAIN_NET1

Followed by Sandy:

Alexander Cran Reith

50 years 10,000 hrs, owner Chief Pilot RPT and flying school CASA approved CFI but can’t teach as in USA.
Awaiting request from Peter Dutton CV19 relief from outrageous waste $300 biennial security card police check.

& finally back to SW:

Shannon Wells

No you haven’t - you’ve supported airline rpt routes and rebated fuel for 3 cents a litre for WHEN we fly - You don’t give a toss about general aviation.

MTF...P2 Tongue

Where less is more.

If Wagga's Witless Wonder really wanted to 'help' there are a couple of things which would really help that could be done right now, with no one getting a haircut.

Drop the iniquitous 'fuel levy' and reduce the tax on fuel at the pump. More flying gets done, so more fuel is used, so the books stay balanced. The 'levy' was imposed to bail CASA out when the FAA audit provided a 'need' for CASA to pick up it's game. They had their money – a one off we were told – yet that impost still remains. High cost fuel, through tax makes operating cost prohibitive. Less equals more.

Medical application $75 – outrageous – ASIC $300 – risible; there is a long, long list of essential items for which government puts it's hand into the pocket of industry. This all adds to the cost of getting an aircraft into the air and 'earning' taxable revenue. As it stands aviation is taxed before, during and after operation. This restricts expansion and reduces the number of hours flown. So why starve the goose so it only lays one golden egg a year, when with a little more corn it could lay many?

McCormack couldn't hit the side of the barn with a shovel full of shit, with the wind behind it; blind, stupid and insulting. Maybe he thinks we are all like that.

Toot – toot.

Leppington Triangle coverup update??

(11-13-2020, 09:33 AM)Peetwo Wrote:  Greens review of ASA Annual Report -  Rolleyes

From Senator Rice in the Senate Chamber yesterday:

Senator RICE (Victoria—Deputy Australian Greens Whip) (16:01): 

...Another issue raised in this report that is of relevance is the scandal of the land purchase at the Leppington Triangle. We now know that the department ignored the impact of noise controls when requesting the valuation. So we think some of the work that's been done on aircraft noise for Western Sydney Airport definitely deserves further scrutiny, and we're going to be seeking further information on where corners may have been cut...

Quote:Western Sydney Airport

Order for the Production of Documents

[img=44x0][/img]Senator URQUHART (Tasmania—Opposition Whip in the Senate) (12:23): At the request of Senators Watt and Sterle, I move:

That there be laid on the table by the Minister representing the Minister for Population, Cities and Urban Infrastructure, by no later than 5.30 pm on 18 November 2020, the 10 written briefings on the acquisition of the Leppington Triangle land between the period November 2015 to November 2019 (including any annotations of decision makers), which are referenced in paragraph 4.1 on page 57 of the Auditor-General's report no.9 of 2020-21, Purchase of the 'Leppington Triangle' land for the future development of Western Sydney Airport, as follows, 'The ANAO examined the 10 written briefings on the acquisition of the Leppington Triangle that were submitted to the head of the Western Sydney Unit, to senior officials elsewhere in the department (the 'decision-makers') and/or to portfolio Ministers. The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications ('Department of Infrastructure' or 'the department') confirmed to the ANAO that these constituted the total population of briefings on the topic. The briefings spanned a four-year period from November 2015 to November 2019'.

Question agreed to.

And from RRAT Estimates additional public hearing:

NB. Not a fan of Wong Qwon but this entire session was fascinating and if you've got the time well worth watching. Once published?? will put up the Hansard.

MTF...P2  Tongue

One mans POV.

Funny thing is 'opinion' and point of view and it is remarkable how a single conversation can change both. The furore over the 'Leppington Triangle' and the political points scoring it has created was, is, and remains only a thing of passing interest; however.

Was introduced to a fellah recently who is 'actually' a developer and knows a bit about the way things are done and how 'value' is decided. Someone was banging on about the difference three million v 30 millions, when that was over this fellah said that given the chance he would happily pay more than 30 Mil for that 'corner' and the Govt. had got a good deal. Well, that shut the conversation down and in a while there was just he and I sat there. “Why, in simple terms?” I asked. Paraphrased the answer, and, as near as I can fathom it:-

“As a cow paddock, 'zoned' agricultural, the land is, at best worth 3 millions. But that land is an 'essential' block for the airport and surrounding industry. So the land must be 're-zoned' to industrial commercial development. If the present owners managed to 're-zone' that land, it would become worth 30M overnight. The owners cannot achieve this, but the Commonwealth can and they will make a serious return, through tax from the developers; it is a good investment long term as it keeps paying a return as development increases.”

I admit it made sense; and if true then it seems that someone has been very shrewd and actually worked out how to maximise the returns on an infrastructure project. Perhaps if that someone explained the 'logic' of the purchase, properly, then some of the sound and fury would abate.

Don't know as if I give a continental about the whole thing – but thought it worth a scribble. (If only to shut 'Wong' up) [Image: biggrin.gif].

Toot – toot.

(11-14-2020, 09:28 AM)Peetwo Wrote:  Leppington Triangle coverup update??

(11-13-2020, 09:33 AM)Peetwo Wrote:  Greens review of ASA Annual Report -  Rolleyes

From Senator Rice in the Senate Chamber yesterday:

Senator RICE (Victoria—Deputy Australian Greens Whip) (16:01): 

...Another issue raised in this report that is of relevance is the scandal of the land purchase at the Leppington Triangle. We now know that the department ignored the impact of noise controls when requesting the valuation. So we think some of the work that's been done on aircraft noise for Western Sydney Airport definitely deserves further scrutiny, and we're going to be seeking further information on where corners may have been cut...

Quote:Western Sydney Airport

Order for the Production of Documents

[img=44x0][/img]Senator URQUHART (Tasmania—Opposition Whip in the Senate) (12:23): At the request of Senators Watt and Sterle, I move:

That there be laid on the table by the Minister representing the Minister for Population, Cities and Urban Infrastructure, by no later than 5.30 pm on 18 November 2020, the 10 written briefings on the acquisition of the Leppington Triangle land between the period November 2015 to November 2019 (including any annotations of decision makers), which are referenced in paragraph 4.1 on page 57 of the Auditor-General's report no.9 of 2020-21, Purchase of the 'Leppington Triangle' land for the future development of Western Sydney Airport, as follows, 'The ANAO examined the 10 written briefings on the acquisition of the Leppington Triangle that were submitted to the head of the Western Sydney Unit, to senior officials elsewhere in the department (the 'decision-makers') and/or to portfolio Ministers. The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications ('Department of Infrastructure' or 'the department') confirmed to the ANAO that these constituted the total population of briefings on the topic. The briefings spanned a four-year period from November 2015 to November 2019'.

Question agreed to.

And from RRAT Estimates additional public hearing:

NB. Not a fan of Wong Qwon but this entire session was fascinating and if you've got the time well worth watching. Once published?? will put up the Hansard.

MTF...P2  Tongue

(11-17-2020, 06:37 AM)Kharon Wrote:  One mans POV.

Funny thing is 'opinion' and point of view and it is remarkable how a single conversation can change both. The furore over the 'Leppington Triangle' and the political points scoring it has created was, is, and remains only a thing of passing interest; however.

Was introduced to a fellah recently who is 'actually' a developer and knows a bit about the way things are done and how 'value' is decided. Someone was banging on about the difference three million v 30 millions, when that was over this fellah said that given the chance he would happily pay more than 30 Mil for that 'corner' and the Govt. had got a good deal. Well, that shut the conversation down and in a while there was just he and I sat there. “Why, in simple terms?” I asked. Paraphrased the answer, and, as near as I can fathom it:-

“As a cow paddock, 'zoned' agricultural, the land is, at best worth 3 millions. But that land is an 'essential' block for the airport and surrounding industry. So the land must be 're-zoned' to industrial commercial development. If the present owners managed to 're-zone' that land, it would become worth 30M overnight. The owners cannot achieve this, but the Commonwealth can and they will make a serious return, through tax from the developers; it is a good investment long term as it keeps paying a return as development increases.”

I admit it made sense; and if true then it seems that someone has been very shrewd and actually worked out how to maximise the returns on an infrastructure project. Perhaps if that someone explained the 'logic' of the purchase, properly, then some of the sound and fury would abate.

Don't know as if I give a continental about the whole thing – but thought it worth a scribble. (If only to shut 'Wong' up) [Image: biggrin.gif].

Toot – toot.

P2 - As promised Hansard link... Wink HERE or HERE

Interesting take on the sale K, what I find strange is the political noise surrounding what may or may not be a dodgy deal, or simply public sector ineptitude is deafening, but this whole deal pales into insignificance when one considers the fraud perpetrated on the Australian people with airport privatisation, that runs to billions of dollars, yet deathly silence but for the crickets chirping and the Ka-ching of development sharks cash registers.

AMROBA - New Breaking News!

Via KC:

Quote:To all members

Our latest Breaking News article is more about of the real reason why things stay the same no matter which party is in government.
Neither a LNP or ALP government implement their aviation policies by amending associated Acts to implement their policies.
This is the complete opposite approach taken in the USA where Parliament constantly passes Bills to implement change.
We refer to the latest US Bill to change as a result of the B737 Max accidents.
US Parliament takes responsibility by continually passing Bills to improve aviation safety, why not in Australia?
Passing the LNP aviation policy document to the public service has simply meant  the “Yes Minister” Sir Humphrey Appleby’s approach takes over. (we know better syndrome)
To enact the LNP Aviation Policy, or the ALP Aviation Policy when the party is in power, the government of the day must introduce Bills to change associated Acts so the policies are enacted.
Since the creation of the CAA in 1988, this has not been the case because the portfolio department now has a Board between government and the agency.
Our opinion is, it is still the responsibility of the portfolio Department to introduce the Bills to change the applicable Acts to enact the government’s policies.
Currently, instead of the Minister driving the change by amending applicable Acts of Parliament, it has been passed to government departments and agencies to implement the Party policies.
Has it happened?  No. In Australia, particularly in aviation, Politicians need to get back in charge of their Ministries.  
[Image: image002.jpg]

[Image: AMROBA-pg-1-545x1024.jpg]

MTF...P2  Tongue

Plane Talking.

Ben Sandilands (RIP) left behind some pretty big boots to fill. His articles and reports were always read and respected; often controversial but always of interest to the wider aviation community.

Anthony Klan is an investigative journalist with some excellent 'aviation' related articles. Independent now and writing in 'the Klaxon'.This article – HERE – is well worth the short time it takes to read. Any independent, clear sighted, honest comment on 'matters aeronautical' is always a welcome change.

Perhaps the Sandilands mantle can be taken up, it would be a refreshing change to find some honesty and integrity in the media reports. The tale of the great Tamworth fiasco and the goings on behind the scenes should be a wake up call. Maybe even the minister can have it read out to him – seems his rose tinted glasses prevent clear sight of the mess aviation has descended into.

Toot - toot.
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