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Shame or Fame for McCormack.

GlenB embuggerance update: 27/08/19

Via the UP:

Quote:Mr Carmody. You *** of a human being

Now before any moderators go pulling this down. This is my only "voice" and that will quite simply be too much for me.

To listen to Mr Morrisons speech last week on the ethics of Government was my absolute tipping point. I can wait no longer.

I am destitute. My families phones have been cut off twice. I have had no income for 2 months. My business is broken. I owe people money. My family do not use any heating at home. My electricity isn't far from getting disconnected, my son is having to leave his school, two other businesses have been destroyed, people have lost their livelihoods because of decisions I have made. Me and my wife truly have less than $10 in total between us, and my son is now supporting the family. I have lost my home, and I cannot afford the rent in less than 7 days.

Is this dramatic. Yes. Not as dramatic as if this thread gets pulled. Quite seriously Mr Carmody contact the appropriate person in the Ministers Department and tell him that all hell is going to break loose unless someone starts ******* listening to me. Quite seriously. NO MORE PING PONG!!!! You are messing with my wife's future welfare. IT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN

I am non contactable by any means by anyone over the next few hours so please do not try. 

For clarity. I never broke any rules. I never compromised safety.

Dear Prime Minister.

I apologise for the editing that follows in the next post. But quite frankly I couldn't be bothered typesetting it as I cut and paste from Word. I was preparing this last night but quite frankly Im over it and couldn't be ******

Dear Prime Minister,

My name is Glen Buckley. I write to you with 25 years’ experience in Pilot Training in various roles, most recently as a CASA approved CEO, and CASA approved Head of Operations (HOO). Over the last 15 years I have operated my own large flight training business, and CASA records will indicate those operations have delivered industry leading levels of safety and compliance, and they have been well intentioned.

I write to respectfully inform you of substantive allegations that I am making against four personnel within the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA). This correspondence is not vexatious, and the matters are not trivial. I will have no difficulty in establishing the facts of the matter, and I have well documented evidence readily available to present against every single allegation I make below. I am making allegations of improper, wrongful and unlawful conduct against four CASA employees. The four CASA personnel have clearly made decisions and demonstrated conduct that is outside of policy, directions and the law. Specifically, I refer to Requirements of Administrative Law outlined in CASA's own manuals and procedures and specifically CASA's Enforcement Manual. The Ministers Statement Of Expectations o CASAs own Regulatory Philosophy. · 

The conduct of those four personnel within CASA has measurably and demonstrably reduced aviation safety. I allege they have demonstrated unconscionable conduct and made decisions that a well-intentioned person would not make, if they were making decisions on the basis of safety and compliance.They have not acted with honesty and integrity, they have not acted with care and diligence, and they have not acted with respect and courtesy. They have in acted in a bullying and intimidating manner. · 

I allege those personnel have not used public and Commonwealth resources in a proper manner and have made deliberate decisions that have in fact misused substantial public resources. I allege those four personnel have made calculated decisions that have caused detriment to my business, and other businesses and that they have deliberately avoided attempts to work collaboratively and resolve issues.I allege that their decisions and actions potentially bring harm to the integrity and good reputation of their fellow Employees and CASA in general, which can only degrade safety.I allege that one of those four personnel has improperly used inside information.

I have been attempting to resolve this matter with CASA since October 2018. Three businesses have already closed, with an associated loss of jobs. It is likely that more businesses will be closed in the near future. This matter is also negatively impacting on safety. The matter is also receiving greater industry attention, with an article in “Australian Flying” magazines recently, which I have attached. A pilots forum on the subject has in excess of 120,000 views.The purpose of this letter: May I respectfully request that you nominate the appropriate person to meet with me and Mr Shane Carmody, the CEO of CASA. All I ask is that your nominee is well intentioned, and shares your vision for the Public Service. At that meeting I request the opportunity to present my allegations to Mr Carmody in the presence of your nominee, and provide well documented supporting evidence. If at the end of that meeting my claims were found to be vexatious or unsubstantiated, I would expect to held fully accountable in law. 

Thank you for considering my request, 

Yours respectfully

Glen Buckley

And in commentary posts in reply:

Quote:tail wheel

Quote:This thread is likely to be locked and removed I would think pending legal action on behalf of CASA, or worse.

Oh? Is it?  Not be this Mod!

Yes, Glenb probably is in a dark place and needs a little support, but I suspect he will come out fighting again. Nothing motivates a fighter more than being on the bones of his a*** with nothing more to lose.


Sounds like Sh**t's about to get real. Can I suggest that as many people as possible also fire off some correspondence to the PM's office and cc the like of Senators Fawcett, Sterle, Patrick etc. Surely those guys would love an opportunity to get their teeth into this appalling situation..(?). It needs more than just a grilling at the RRAT hearings too. We've seen how (non)effective that pantomime can be. Others are right - Only a JI or RC will do now.


As a previous student of MFT I cannot believe what both Glen and AFTA have endured. The support you have Glen extends well beyond the users here on 'rune. The second you have that gofundme page up, you'll have some monetary support from me. CASA ought to be hung out to dry for this. Fight hard.

The name is Porter

Glen is a good and decent man, he is a smart man, he innovated a concept that was a brilliant product. I can tell you just how good that product was but it would take a few pages. In the time I have known him he has always put his employees first. I've seen it first hand, paying his employees before he pays himself. Any student that passed through MFT would remember how busy it was and how good a standard was produced. It was a thriving business. Now more than ever, the industry needs to take this on, and FFS Glen, can you start the go-fund me page, we are waiting!


really hope Glen is OK this morning, Hopefully someone that knows him is in contact! Have been following this drama since the start and I would like to offer my suggestion not just to setup a Go Fund Me for any future action that Glen may decide to take, but for Glen's own safety and well being, I for would would be happy to throw some money his way to help take care of personal finances to allow him to focus on what is important without trying to stretch the last $10. Not sure how we could best do that, but I hate to think what any other outcome could lead to. Hopefully someone that knows Glen can step in and help us support him.

No mater the merits of the case, it should never come to this level.

Paul O'Rourke

Originally Posted by Bend alot  View Post
Quote:Does anyone here know Cale Johnston?


And then this am:

Quote:Here comes GA Mr Deputy PM

A very "rattly" day yesterday folks. 

I will be back a bit later on today, and we will be fighting. This will be the battle that leads to the Judicial Inquiry, Royal Commission, or Special Ministerial inquiry. 

To many people have endured the cruelty and malpractice in that Organisation that does absolutely nothing to enhance safety, and as Industry will confirm, we have a unique situation in the Western World where CASAs toxic culture and total misalignment with Industry is actually dangerous, and I say that from first hand experience. CASA actually degrades safety outcomes, and damages the Australian owned sector of the industry. 

Trust me, when I tell you that what I have posted on here over recent months is only the tip of the ice berg. Why will my outcome be different than those before me. Because unlike Bruce Rhoades and the many before me that have had there reputations trashed by that toxic culture. In my case. THERE IS NO SAFETY CARD to play Mr Crawford. In fact this time, I hold the safety card. 

I will post later on today, but that post will be to you, the industry, my friends, my past staff, schoolmates, mentors, etc that have shown me so much support .

I truly love you, and I mean it. Im here today because of you. I mean it!!!!!

Also off FB in response to this post off AP's Senate Estimates:

Quote:Sandy Reith As said, what an example, just horrific to Glen Buckley and his family and working team. A monstrous example of bureaucratic machinery steam rolling over a perfectly legitimate enterprise and without shame or qualms from Mr. Carmody the $600,000 per annum CEO of CASA. There are no ameliorating or extenuating circumstances or any doubtful areas for CASA to fall back upon. Across fifty years of watching CASA and it’s many truly awful treatment of so many individuals none stand out like this simply because they offer no excuse, apology or explanation of any kind and there’s been no breach of the rules or safety. If anyone had any doubt about the GA industry’s campaign legitimacy for root and branch reform of the administration of civil aviation in Australia then study this saga and understand.

Bob Fulton What an arrogant, delusional pr*ck. At no time has Buckley's matter been subject to external review, nor it seems has Buckley been found guilty of any offence under the Act or Regulations, but Carmody et al insists he close his business and walk away.

Bob Fulton
Delete or hide this

[Image: safe_image.php?d=AQAQCmUGjU23T1fh&w=98&h...nW0FzDY7wT]
Click here to support Glen Buckley & APTA vs. CASA organized by Cale…

MTF...P2  Tongue

(08-27-2019, 08:04 AM)Peetwo Wrote:  GlenB embuggerance update: 27/08/19

Via the UP:

Quote:Mr Carmody. You *** of a human being

Now before any moderators go pulling this down. This is my only "voice" and that will quite simply be too much for me.

To listen to Mr Morrisons speech last week on the ethics of Government was my absolute tipping point. I can wait no longer.

I am destitute. My families phones have been cut off twice. I have had no income for 2 months. My business is broken. I owe people money. My family do not use any heating at home. My electricity isn't far from getting disconnected, my son is having to leave his school, two other businesses have been destroyed, people have lost their livelihoods because of decisions I have made. Me and my wife truly have less than $10 in total between us, and my son is now supporting the family. I have lost my home, and I cannot afford the rent in less than 7 days.

Is this dramatic. Yes. Not as dramatic as if this thread gets pulled. Quite seriously Mr Carmody contact the appropriate person in the Ministers Department and tell him that all hell is going to break loose unless someone starts ******* listening to me. Quite seriously. NO MORE PING PONG!!!! You are messing with my wife's future welfare. IT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN

I am non contactable by any means by anyone over the next few hours so please do not try. 

For clarity. I never broke any rules. I never compromised safety.

Dear Prime Minister.

I apologise for the editing that follows in the next post. But quite frankly I couldn't be bothered typesetting it as I cut and paste from Word. I was preparing this last night but quite frankly Im over it and couldn't be ******

Dear Prime Minister,

My name is Glen Buckley. I write to you with 25 years’ experience in Pilot Training in various roles, most recently as a CASA approved CEO, and CASA approved Head of Operations (HOO). Over the last 15 years I have operated my own large flight training business, and CASA records will indicate those operations have delivered industry leading levels of safety and compliance, and they have been well intentioned.

I write to respectfully inform you of substantive allegations that I am making against four personnel within the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA). This correspondence is not vexatious, and the matters are not trivial. I will have no difficulty in establishing the facts of the matter, and I have well documented evidence readily available to present against every single allegation I make below. I am making allegations of improper, wrongful and unlawful conduct against four CASA employees. The four CASA personnel have clearly made decisions and demonstrated conduct that is outside of policy, directions and the law. Specifically, I refer to Requirements of Administrative Law outlined in CASA's own manuals and procedures and specifically CASA's Enforcement Manual. The Ministers Statement Of Expectations o CASAs own Regulatory Philosophy. · 

The conduct of those four personnel within CASA has measurably and demonstrably reduced aviation safety. I allege they have demonstrated unconscionable conduct and made decisions that a well-intentioned person would not make, if they were making decisions on the basis of safety and compliance.They have not acted with honesty and integrity, they have not acted with care and diligence, and they have not acted with respect and courtesy. They have in acted in a bullying and intimidating manner. · 

I allege those personnel have not used public and Commonwealth resources in a proper manner and have made deliberate decisions that have in fact misused substantial public resources. I allege those four personnel have made calculated decisions that have caused detriment to my business, and other businesses and that they have deliberately avoided attempts to work collaboratively and resolve issues.I allege that their decisions and actions potentially bring harm to the integrity and good reputation of their fellow Employees and CASA in general, which can only degrade safety.I allege that one of those four personnel has improperly used inside information.

I have been attempting to resolve this matter with CASA since October 2018. Three businesses have already closed, with an associated loss of jobs. It is likely that more businesses will be closed in the near future. This matter is also negatively impacting on safety. The matter is also receiving greater industry attention, with an article in “Australian Flying” magazines recently, which I have attached. A pilots forum on the subject has in excess of 120,000 views.The purpose of this letter: May I respectfully request that you nominate the appropriate person to meet with me and Mr Shane Carmody, the CEO of CASA. All I ask is that your nominee is well intentioned, and shares your vision for the Public Service. At that meeting I request the opportunity to present my allegations to Mr Carmody in the presence of your nominee, and provide well documented supporting evidence. If at the end of that meeting my claims were found to be vexatious or unsubstantiated, I would expect to held fully accountable in law. 

Thank you for considering my request, 

Yours respectfully

Glen Buckley

And in commentary posts in reply:

Quote:tail wheel

Quote:This thread is likely to be locked and removed I would think pending legal action on behalf of CASA, or worse.

Oh? Is it?  Not be this Mod!

Yes, Glenb probably is in a dark place and needs a little support, but I suspect he will come out fighting again. Nothing motivates a fighter more than being on the bones of his a*** with nothing more to lose.


Sounds like Sh**t's about to get real. Can I suggest that as many people as possible also fire off some correspondence to the PM's office and cc the like of Senators Fawcett, Sterle, Patrick etc. Surely those guys would love an opportunity to get their teeth into this appalling situation..(?). It needs more than just a grilling at the RRAT hearings too. We've seen how (non)effective that pantomime can be. Others are right - Only a JI or RC will do now.


As a previous student of MFT I cannot believe what both Glen and AFTA have endured. The support you have Glen extends well beyond the users here on 'rune. The second you have that gofundme page up, you'll have some monetary support from me. CASA ought to be hung out to dry for this. Fight hard.

The name is Porter

Glen is a good and decent man, he is a smart man, he innovated a concept that was a brilliant product. I can tell you just how good that product was but it would take a few pages. In the time I have known him he has always put his employees first. I've seen it first hand, paying his employees before he pays himself. Any student that passed through MFT would remember how busy it was and how good a standard was produced. It was a thriving business. Now more than ever, the industry needs to take this on, and FFS Glen, can you start the go-fund me page, we are waiting!


really hope Glen is OK this morning, Hopefully someone that knows him is in contact! Have been following this drama since the start and I would like to offer my suggestion not just to setup a Go Fund Me for any future action that Glen may decide to take, but for Glen's own safety and well being, I for would would be happy to throw some money his way to help take care of personal finances to allow him to focus on what is important without trying to stretch the last $10. Not sure how we could best do that, but I hate to think what any other outcome could lead to. Hopefully someone that knows Glen can step in and help us support him.

No mater the merits of the case, it should never come to this level.

Paul O'Rourke

Originally Posted by Bend alot  View Post
Quote:Does anyone here know Cale Johnston?


And then this am:

Quote:Here comes GA Mr Deputy PM

A very "rattly" day yesterday folks. 

I will be back a bit later on today, and we will be fighting. This will be the battle that leads to the Judicial Inquiry, Royal Commission, or Special Ministerial inquiry. 

To many people have endured the cruelty and malpractice in that Organisation that does absolutely nothing to enhance safety, and as Industry will confirm, we have a unique situation in the Western World where CASAs toxic culture and total misalignment with Industry is actually dangerous, and I say that from first hand experience. CASA actually degrades safety outcomes, and damages the Australian owned sector of the industry. 

Trust me, when I tell you that what I have posted on here over recent months is only the tip of the ice berg. Why will my outcome be different than those before me. Because unlike Bruce Rhoades and the many before me that have had there reputations trashed by that toxic culture. In my case. THERE IS NO SAFETY CARD to play Mr Crawford. In fact this time, I hold the safety card. 

I will post later on today, but that post will be to you, the industry, my friends, my past staff, schoolmates, mentors, etc that have shown me so much support .

I truly love you, and I mean it. Im here today because of you. I mean it!!!!!

Also off FB in response to this post off AP's Senate Estimates:

Quote:Sandy Reith As said, what an example, just horrific to Glen Buckley and his family and working team. A monstrous example of bureaucratic machinery steam rolling over a perfectly legitimate enterprise and without shame or qualms from Mr. Carmody the $600,000 per annum CEO of CASA. There are no ameliorating or extenuating circumstances or any doubtful areas for CASA to fall back upon. Across fifty years of watching CASA and it’s many truly awful treatment of so many individuals none stand out like this simply because they offer no excuse, apology or explanation of any kind and there’s been no breach of the rules or safety. If anyone had any doubt about the GA industry’s campaign legitimacy for root and branch reform of the administration of civil aviation in Australia then study this saga and understand.

Bob Fulton What an arrogant, delusional pr*ck. At no time has Buckley's matter been subject to external review, nor it seems has Buckley been found guilty of any offence under the Act or Regulations, but Carmody et al insists he close his business and walk away.

Bob Fulton
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[Image: safe_image.php?d=AQAQCmUGjU23T1fh&w=98&h...nW0FzDY7wT]
Click here to support Glen Buckley & APTA vs. CASA organized by Cale…


Quote:AOPA Australia Executive Director Benjamin Morgan reports.
[Image: Cessna182.jpg]
This past week AOPA Australia has been inundated with requests from members to help provide support and awareness of a major legal battle between Australian Pilot Training Alliance founder and AOPA Australia member Mr Glen Buckley and the Civil Aviation Safety Authority.

A community ‘Go Fund Me’ page has been setup to help Glen fundraise for his court battle, which on a preliminary review stands to become a major test case for the aviation industry.

I have included a copy of the Go Fund Me information below, along with a link to the community donations page, and encourage all of our members to consider making a donation to Glen’s cause.

To donate, visit:

Best regards,

AOPA Australia – Executive Director

Copy of the Go Fund Me information;

On the 23rd of October 2018, Glen Buckley, the owner of the Australian Pilot Training Alliance (APTA) was issued with a notice to cease all operations within 7 days by CASA. This unconscionable Administrative Action was never formally acted upon by CASA nor amplified by any supporting documentation.

CASA’s actions was not taken on any safety concerns, and after 7 months, CASA still has been unable to state any specific breaches, although they have tried repeatedly to fabricate unsupported innuendo and avoid acknowledging the simple truth that they made a grave error in judgement. It would be fair to say CASA has thrown everything imaginable in an endeavour to bring harm to Glen’s reputation, health, and his business activities. This has included false and deceptive verbal and written statements by CASA, the veracity of the CASA assertions are clearly unsupportable and need to be tested in a court of law.

Thereby being provided with an overview of the issues facing both Glen and APTA for the past 7 months. Despite the length of the document, it demonstrates the inexcusable actions taken by CASA against Glen and his business; clearly denying him and APTA a scintilla of natural justice.

As of June 7th 2019, no progress has been made, with CASA hibernating and it’s failure to resolve the dispute deplorable. The impact the CASA action has had on the business, and continues to have on it, is causing an escalating negative commercial effect; this has left Glen no choice but to sell a “core” part of his business in order for APTA to barely survive.

The purpose of this GoFundMe campaign is to assist Glen with his legal battle against the juggernaut CASA.  Its ongoing discrimination is reprehensible, a big Government Department grinding a Small Business Enterprise into oblivion! Glen, being the proud man that he is, would never ask for money from anyone, which is why we, his friends and colleagues, have banded together on his behalf to ask for your assistance.

CASA by its duplicity has financially ruined Glen and his family, causing the sale of his home and exhausting his savings; therefore any small or large donation to aid Glen’s legal battle against CASA would be incredible.

Many of you may know Glen, and you would therefore understand the kind, compassionate, and generous man that he is. But now he needs our collective help, consequently, any assistance would mean the world to him.

The “David vs Goliath” story comes to mind when thinking of this case, and the more people who rally behind Glen, the greater the chances that he can stand up for all the little guys in the aviation industry.

Thank you all for your time, and I am sure Glen would be most appreciative and grateful for any moral or kind financial support you are willing to offer!

Remember the old adage, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Please help spread the word!

To donate, visit:

And via Oz Flying:

[Image: apta_gofundme.jpg]
 Crowdfunding Page set up to tackle CASA
27 August 2019
Comments 1 Comment

A crowdfunding page under the name of the Australian Pilot Training Alliance (APTA) has been set up fund a legal challenge to CASA.

APTA and its owner Glen Buckley have been in a drawn-out battle with the regulator over the ability of APTA to trade under the original Part 142 approval. The fight has so far cost Buckley close to $1 million and has prevented APTA from earning an income.

Set-up by APTA Assistant Finance Officer Cale Johnston, the GoFundMe page hopes to raise $50,000 to enable a court challenge to CASA's for what APTA believes is a case of misregulation and violations of CASA's own regulatory philosophies.

"On the 23rd of October 2018, Glen Buckley, the owner of the Australian Pilot Training Alliance  (APTA) was issued with a notice to cease all operations within 7 days by CASA," the GoFundMe preamble states. "This unconscionable Administrative Action was never formally acted upon by CASA nor amplified by any supporting documentation.

"CASA's actions was not taken on any safety concerns, and after 7 months, CASA still has been unable to state any specific breaches, although they have tried repeatedly to fabricate unsupported innuendo and avoid acknowledging the simple truth that they made a grave error in judgement.

" ... the veracity of the CASA assertions are clearly unsupportable and need to be tested in a court of law."

At the time of writing, the fund level had reached over $2600.

CASA issued APTA with a Part 142 approval that permitted the group to add new member flying schools that would share common managment and safety systems under the one AOC. After a change of Certificate Management Team at CASA, APTA was issued with the seven-day notice for infractions that were later shown to be incorrect statements. The seven-day notice was later amended to three months whilst CASA tried to determine if the model was legal or not. During that period, CASA stopped processing APTA requests, which plunged the company into finanical strife.

The full story is told in the September-October print edition of Australian Flying.

More information on the crowdfunding campaign is on the GoFundMe website.

MTF...P2  Tongue

Crowdfunding Page set up to tackle CASA

27 August 2019
Comments 1 Comment

A crowdfunding page under the name of the Australian Pilot Training Alliance (APTA) has been set up fund a legal challenge to CASA.

APTA and its owner Glen Buckley have been in a drawn-out battle with the regulator over the ability of APTA to trade under the original Part 142 approval. The fight has so far cost Buckley close to $1 million and has prevented APTA from earning an income.

Set-up by APTA Assistant Finance Officer Cale Johnston, the GoFundMe page hopes to raise $50,000 to enable a court challenge to CASA's for what APTA believes is a case of misregulation and violations of CASA's own regulatory philosophies.

"On the 23rd of October 2018, Glen Buckley, the owner of the Australian Pilot Training Alliance  (APTA) was issued with a notice to cease all operations within 7 days by CASA," the GoFundMe preamble states. "This unconscionable Administrative Action was never formally acted upon by CASA nor amplified by any supporting documentation.

"CASA's actions was not taken on any safety concerns, and after 7 months, CASA still has been unable to state any specific breaches, although they have tried repeatedly to fabricate unsupported innuendo and avoid acknowledging the simple truth that they made a grave error in judgement.

" ... the veracity of the CASA assertions are clearly unsupportable and need to be tested in a court of law."

At the time of writing, the fund level had reached over $2600.

CASA issued APTA with a Part 142 approval that permitted the group to add new member flying schools that would share common managment and safety systems under the one AOC. After a change of Certificate Management Team at CASA, APTA was issued with the seven-day notice for infractions that were later shown to be incorrect statements. The seven-day notice was later amended to three months whilst CASA tried to determine if the model was legal or not. During that period, CASA stopped processing APTA requests, which plunged the company into finanical strife.

The full story is told in the September-October print edition of Australian Flying.

More information on the crowdfunding campaign is on the GoFundMe website.

Scurrilous gossip. Believe it if you like..........

You will, I hope, forgive the brevity; but scurrilous gossip deserves little more than a short rendition; which I shall, in my clumsy way paraphrase, rather than repeat verbatim. Seems McComic; deputy PM etc. has ‘suddenly’; had an epiphany. Seems he’s all upset because he has been ‘mislead’ by his faithful, protecting watchdogs a.k.a. aviation advisors. Rumoured to be Mucho pissed off is our gormless, gutless, but ;genuinely concerned thick headed miniscule. One can only wonder why.

Such sage advice, was also offered to Chester (anyone remember him?). We can offer some better advice; lay off the Kool Aide, pay attention and get some real advice from working experts.

The problem is, when aviation hits the skids, pilots will go fruit picking. Now that’ll really bugger up saving sinking Pacific Islands. Does a late ‘awakening’ signify? Not if you get your skates on – alas….

We all hope reality get’s a look in – but no one is holding their breath.

Shame of Fame – what say you?

[Image: ECZwyUqUIAE7ToN?format=jpg&name=small]

(09-05-2019, 08:31 PM)P7_TOM Wrote:  Scurrilous gossip. Believe it if you like..........

You will, I hope, forgive the brevity; but scurrilous gossip deserves little more than a short rendition; which I shall, in my clumsy way paraphrase, rather than repeat verbatim. Seems McComic; deputy PM etc. has ‘suddenly’; had an epiphany. Seems he’s all upset because he has been ‘mislead’ by his faithful, protecting watchdogs a.k.a. aviation advisors. Rumoured to be Mucho pissed off is our gormless, gutless, but ;genuinely concerned thick headed miniscule. One can only wonder why.

Such sage advice, was also offered to Chester (anyone remember him?). We can offer some better advice; lay off the Kool Aide, pay attention and get some real advice from working experts.

The problem is, when aviation hits the skids, pilots will go fruit picking. Now that’ll really bugger up saving sinking Pacific Islands. Does a late ‘awakening’ signify? Not if you get your skates on – alas….

We all hope reality get’s a look in – but no one is holding their breath.

Shame of Fame – what say you?

[Image: ECZwyUqUIAE7ToN?format=jpg&name=small]

On the subject of miniscule McDonaught and political jokes, I see in the news that the DPM is being accused of over-indulging in the seemingly bottomless trough of ATP funds... Rolleyes 

Quote:SEPTEMBER 5 2019 - 3:30PM

Riverina MP Michael McCormack private jet use: almost $500,000 bill 'within rules'

[Image: w37_h37_fcrop.jpg]
Rex Martinich

[Image: r0_195_3806_2343_w1200_h678_fmax.jpg]
 CHARTER: Riverina MP Michael McCormack (centre rear) and Prime Minister Scott Morrison arrive by RAAF private plane at Quilpie for a tour of drought-affected areas of Queensland in August last year. Picture: Alex Ellinghausen

Riverina MP Michael McCormack has spent almost $500,000 on travel via private jets supplied by the Royal Australian Air Force over the course of six months.

A spokesperson for Mr McCormack said the flights were authorised by the Defence Minister within the guidelines established by the Department of Finance, including the requirement to "justify why a commercial flight is not viable".

Department of Defence records tabled in Parliament last week show that Mr McCormack used or commissioned 95 journeys via 'special purpose flights' between July 1 and December 31 last year.

The cost to taxpayers of Mr McCormack's private RAAF travel was $393,474 while in his capacity as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development, and $100,882 for flights while he was Acting Prime Minister.

Between July and December 2017 Mr McCormack's predecessor as National Party leader, Barnaby Joyce, spent $176,476 on RAAF private jet flights as deputy prime minister and $27,140 as acting prime minister.

My Joyce was out of Parliament for about two of those six months due to the Section 44 crisis over dual citizens being ineligible to stand for election.

A bill of $101,207 was run up for 24 flights that flew with no passengers in order to make aircraft available or return them to home base at Canberra.

The bill included an empty flight from Canberra to Leonora in Western Australia that cost $20,240.

A spokesperson for Mr McCormack said the "positioning flights" with no passengers were also used by the RAAF for training.

"Positioning legs without passengers are utilised by Air Force crew for essential training and development, whilst still enabling the subsequent special purpose flight," the spokesperson said.

"There is no minimum distance required for use of SPA [special purpose aircraft]."

The spokesperson said costs listed in the Defence report were based on an annual appraisal for operating the SPA fleet and "include ground handling costs, fuel, catering and other costs".

The cost of individual flights ranged from $175 for a flight from Wagga to Temora up to $14,720 for a flight from Sydney to Kalgoorlie.

Under the guidelines, MPs requesting special purpose flights must state what alternative transport options are available and why they would be unsuitable, as well as stating why the journey was important.

It is not suggest that any of Mr McCormack's requests were outside the guidelines.

Almost all of Mr McCormack's private flights were taken aboard a CL604 Challenger twin-engine jet, which can carry up to nine passengers with a crew of two pilots and one flight attendant.

Some of the flights used a modified Boeing 737 that can carry up to 30 passengers.

MTF...P2  Tongue

(09-07-2019, 08:38 AM)Kharon Wrote:  Ministerial Sanctioned collusion?

[Image: D96AMKhU8AAJKG3?format=jpg&name=900x900]

As the shades of Pel-Air watch a repeat performance; the industry shrugs, looks away and closes the hanger doors.

“The ATSB is governed by a Commission and is entirely separate from transport policy makers, industry operators, and from transport regulators such as the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA).”

Sen.Patrick – “There is no way that the answer that was provided to the committee could ever be considered by anyone to be sufficient in terms of openness and transparency by the ATSB, as is required by this committee.”

Sen: Sterle: “Dr Godley, it says that of the '18 responses at least 12'—but how many of these pilots were Angel Flight pilots? Sorry, it's not that I don't believe you, but that doesn't mean anything to me.”

Dr Godley : No, this was CASA.

No matter which pilots ATSB allegedly claim to have contacted; how did they get the contact details? Who were these pilots? – We must hope they were not ‘in-house’ crew from CASA or, gods forbid, Hood was an interviewee. As Mr SP (Self promoting) Manning stated; there are all grades of pilot out there, “good” being a relative term. The whole ATSB session stinks to the high heavens.

Hood – “The ATSB, as Dr Godley has said, have had the ATSB aviation safety occurrence database in existence since 1969. We have periodically reviewed various sectors of the industry and compared their relative levels of safety, so we have flying training, RAAus, aerial agriculture and sports rotorcraft. We have a level of safety for those different sectors of the industry.

Apples and Banana’s comparison. WTD has the ‘relative levels of safety’ for those operations cited to do with the AF operation? All the above activities each carry an individual, inherent, different ‘risk’ matrix, they are different animals. For example, flight training for Agricultural operations cannot be mixed in, or used in comparison with say Sports rotorcraft. Each discipline, with the exception of RAAus, must be treated as a separate, isolated category having sod all to do with AF operations. RAAAus is ‘like for like’ as they are a parallel operation to GA ‘Private operations’. I note there is no ‘baseline’ accident/incident data for RAAAus presented as a legitimate reference. AF is (was) strictly a ‘private’ operation - not a separate category and must be seen for what it is – part of the general ‘private’ operation sector. Even comparing AF flights to ‘Private’ operations is drawing a long bow; AF aircraft would (on balance) do a bit more flying than the average privately owned aircraft. Doc. Cress have done over 500 flights for AF, it would be of interest to get some ‘real’ hard data on just how many flights/hours AF tasked aircraft do against the rest of the ‘private’ fleet. Apples with apples always seemed fair and reasonable to me.

Hood – “What we didn't have—and, in fact, what Angel Flight didn't have—is access to all the reported safety occurrences, because they weren't required to be reported to Angel Flight. So Angel Flight didn't have any great knowledge of the number of safety occurrences being experienced on their missions and neither did CASA or the ATSB.

What a load of bollocks. 

ATSB - “The TSI Act contains a scheme for the mandatory reporting of occurrences that are classified as Immediately Reportable Matters (accidents & serious incidents) and Routine Reportable Matters (incidents). It is from these initial reports that the ATSB makes a decision on whether or not to investigate.”

Hood – “We had to request the data from Angel Flight to get the schedules. We then matched that with the flight plan data and the aviation safety data and, using an algorithm, we were then able to extract the aviation safety occurrences that were being experienced with these types of flights. So what we've done in effect we had never done before for the community service flight sector. We have baselined the safety. Now we'll be able to measure it, just like we do for any of the other sectors of the industry, for improvements.

Bollocks. Confidential reporting has become an object of suspicion; avoided wherever possible, nonetheless, the ATSB claim to now be able to separate AF from Private Ops– how? Well, because AF had always been lumped in with the private sector and treated the same; until now. Without data reflecting the ratio of flights/hours of AF operations to private operations, the claim for extrapolated data becomes a nonsense. Given that a great number of ‘private’ operations operate without flight plan submission, whereas AF do presents yet another skewed line of data, not to mention an arse covering agenda.    

[Image: EDxs7SSUwAAQi7X?format=jpg&name=medium]

But I digress, I kicked off wanting to raise questions about the coy Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which began life after one or the other reports, after yet another inquiry into CASA and ATSB; Miller from memory (stand corrected) which is, to this day, totally and utterly misused. Parlayed into the comfortable, open ended scenario we see at work in the AF case.

Crawford: “Third, CASA independently analysed available accident statistics. This analysis compared the community service flight sector to the general private flying sector over a 10-year period. The CASA analysis determined that the fatal accident rate was 5.4 times higher for CSF than for ordinary private flights.”

We think it ‘mazing.

So did Sen. Rex. “There have been parallel activities taking place here. One of them is that the ATSB has been carrying out an investigation.”

One has to take in the whole transcript to get the big picture; it may well all be nice and legal, but it ain’t right. ATSB have no business being part of a department. They need to be independent, fully accountable to the Senate and free from any hint of collusion or bias and graded whiter than white. There are fart too many instances which have raised collective eyebrows. An outfit like ATSB should never, ever be in position where the actions of the organisation are challenged, let alone in a position to be potentially held in contempt, by industry and international peer groups. Which appears to be the road the HVH Hood is taking them.

The deeper one looks into the AF episode, as recorded on Hansard, more and more ‘little’ questions pop up; you know the sort of thing. Read a bit, then think a bit, and then – Hey, how come such and such happened, procedural stuff and quirky little odd pieces that don’t quite fit. Anyway, the BRB have it all now, pug marks and Tell’s will be traced and noted.

[Image: D9bgXC4VAAEoECv?format=jpg&name=medium]

Pagani –“No proper protocols were followed. The minister here, sadly, has been grossly misled by CASA. He's been told that there's been public consultation. You will see in your bundle of documents that there are about 10 pages of protocols for consultation that CASA is supposed to follow. It didn't follow any of them. He's also been misled in that—and I spoke to Mr McCormack about this—Mr McCormack had been told by CASA that it was only following the FAA. That is totally, 100 per cent wrong. Private flights in the USA are not regulated. We follow the Californian model, US Angel Flight West, the biggest operator, which does private flights—no regulations. There are so many ways that they have misled the minister, which is really unfortunate. I don't blame the minister.”

Marge may not be in a position to ‘blame’ the miniscule, but AP is; and we do – categorically. One major error; the beginning and the end of his credibility – he hired the same Casasexual who landed old Darren Chester in the pooh with this industry. His problem is simple, industry ‘know’ the value of the advice given; he was explicitly warned; yet he just keeps popping about in luxury jets, provided by the RAAF (Hi boys) oblivious to the constant warnings. That aside, trying to convince a mob at Wagga that he was ‘genuine’ was error number two. His aviation track record since has been abysmal – to the point of well deserved ridicule.

Only the minister can put a leash on the out of control watchdogs, decimating an industry. If he cannot do that, then he must resign or, seek assistance from higher up the food chain. Another option would be to get CASA off it’s beam ends and make ‘em build a CSF rule set, start with a clean sheet and square the whole thing up. What he cannot do is continue to ignore expert industry advice, anger, distrust, hostility and ridicule, while watching an industry disintegrate instead of blooming.

Not done with this; not by a long shot. MTF –

Toot – toot.

P2 footnote... Wink

Quote:[Image: 0?e=1573084800&v=beta&t=SmgIbNP-0h9oePGF...13DJ-fw7WU]

Deputy Prime Minister's Office
Senior Advisor - Aviation

Deputy Prime Minister's Office
May 2018 – Present 1 year 5 months
Canberra, Australia

Civil Aviation Safety Authority
Senior Aviation Adviser-Office of the CEO

Civil Aviation Safety Authority
Oct 2017 – May 2018 8 months
Canberra, Australia

Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development
Special Aviation Adviser

Jul 2017 – Oct 2017 4 months
Canberra, Australia

Western Sydney Airport Division-Airspace and flight path design

Office of the Minister of infrastructure and transport

Senior Advisor-Transport (Aviation)
Office of the Minister of infrastructure and transport
Mar 2016 – Jul 2017 1 year 5 months

Canberra, Australia

Civil Aviation Safety Authority

2 years 8 months

Manager, Part 61 taskforce, Part 141/142
Oct 2015 – Mar 2016 6 months
Canberra, Australia
Manager of CASR Part 141/142 review team.

Standards Officer (Large aeroplanes)
Aug 2013 – Oct 2015 2 years 3 months
Providing policy guidance and regulation development for the CASR operations suite of regulations.

So this is the guy responsible for Part 61, 141/142?
and now he's an "adviser"?????
Oh God the industry is doomed!

For and on behalf of GlenB -  Wink


[Image: GB-MR.jpg]

[Image: GB-MR-1.jpg]

[Image: GB-MR-2.jpg]

[Image: GB-MR-3.jpg]
[Image: GB-MR-4.jpg]
[Image: GB-MR-5.jpg]
[Image: GB-MR-6.jpg]
[Image: GB-MR-7.jpg]

Been there – Done that.

I note, with interest the Unspeakable Prune made a call for a petition to be sent off to ‘government’, decrying the CASA actions (or non action) taken against one Glen Buckley Esq. The tale is yet another, of a long procession in the annals of ‘Embuggerance’ for fun and sport. I wish ‘em well and all the good fortune in the world – however………

Way back, in A.D. 2011; a group of ‘like minded’ aviation professionals were appalled by the ‘John Quadrio’ case, it was a bench mark drawn in shear frustration. It all started (believe it or not) during a darts match and a few Ales. One of our number commented we sounded like a bunch of Barristers, arguing over a point of law. Thus, the Bar Room Barristers (BRB) came into being. The only part which may be questioned would be the ability of ‘real’ Barristers to argue aviation law against the BRB. At that very first, impromptu, light hearted ‘meeting’ there was over 150 collective years of hands on, management pilot experience, playing darts and having a quiet Ale, innocent like. Banging on as pilots do. Long story short: non of ‘us’ knew much about ‘Choppers’ – but we all knew someone who did. Perhaps we may be able to help Quadrio out of a hole – he did not dig. It amazed us just how many contacts we (collectively) had and how many contacts our contacts had; world wide. Attempting to help one of our own revealed a world wide network of ‘friends’. So, from that little acorn the ‘network’ was born. Professional Aviators Investigative Network (PAIN) grew. It became a very real, serious ‘association’, the Aunty Pru forum a natural progression. End of (boring) history lesson.

Anyway: ‘We’ decided to launch a ‘petition’ to assist Quadrio. It was a fair bit of work - particularly for P9 (#1 Son) who, through no fault of his own, ended up ‘scribe’ to collective opinion.

By now, I expect you’re wondering what the point is. Fair question. I beg your indulgence M’Lud.

I cannot provide the over 1000, written responses, for that would betray a trust. But I may provide the original ‘Limited Release’ document which was provided to PAIN associates for ‘comment and suggestion’. From  the AP archives (virus and tracker free).

In 2012 (seven years ago) a rough draft of the petition was passed around. The final version went absolutely nowhere. PAIN barely had half a dozen ‘read’ responses from ‘government’, let alone any serious political interest. It took a lot of effort to understand just how impervious ‘government’ is to the plight of the aviation industry, when the CASA ministerial protection racket has total control.

So, to G. Buckley Esq. AP would say, don’t waste time with petitions. Court costs money, but IOHO; it is the only road worth travelling.

Here, I regret, endeth the lesson. The road is long, treacherous, dangerous to travel and bloody expensive. Even so – GB only has two options; walk the miles, carry the load; or, walk away.

I can see ‘K’ at the end of the stable, pulling Ale x2 from the keg. Time to sit down, shut up and sup up.

[Image: ECZwyUqUIAE7ToN?format=jpg&name=small]

Question time – for the minister.

Why is ‘Mr Bi-Pass’ (Scots Git) conducting a pogrom to find a ‘leaker’? No names, no pack drill: BUT, it seems the powers that be at ‘REX’ ain’t happy and want a scalp. No signs of influence being brought to bear is there minister?

Why has one Nutall been suddenly and ‘voluntarily’ “returned” to industry? Although only the God’s would know who would hire him now. Could the minister explain just how he intends to talk his way out of ‘Buckley’ Bun Fight’ without being scorched and demonised in the media? Do tell, for it is curious we are. 

Why have CASA backed down on AF but decided to keep the AF ‘instrument’ on the books but in a much diluted iteration? Is this so as not to further embarrass the miniscule; before the Senate Committee have a serious go at it?

Think on fool. Because. One day – y’gonna get caught – that’s why. Another Minister caught with his pants down? Duckling Minister scared of the ‘myth’ and just short of being publicly humiliated, courtesy of rogues and charlatans, with no idea why. Aye, there’s smart, competent leadership for you….

Get a grip and tame the beast; or RESIGN minister. Before you stand shamed, known only as glove puppet to CASA’s tame advisor, fool forever. You could of course get smart, hire a real advisor. Your call – don’t care; either way the headlines will be interesting, entertaining and shame the government.

[Image: toronto-ontario-canada-march-4-600w-1350142196.jpg]

Toot – toot.

The thought occurred to me that CAsA maintains Glen Buckley was in breach of the regulations. In effect they accuse him of being a criminal, yet they bring no charges.

If that is true CAsA is the legal entity responsible for enforcing those regulations. Isn't it incumbent on them to prosecute Mr Buckley for those breaches? What's the old saying? "Justice delayed is justice denied".

Given that CAsA has deliberately impoverished Mr Buckley, as an individual, would he therefore be eligible for legal aid if they brought their allegations to court?
It occurs to me that illegal immigrants are provided with millions of dollars to fight our system, why not an actual citizen?

Wonder what a concerted campaign to the Attorney General and DPP demanding CASA DO THEIR JOB and enforce the law might stir up? Media might sit up and take notice at least.

(09-23-2019, 06:10 AM)thorn bird Wrote:  The thought occurred to me that CAsA maintains Glen Buckley was in breach of the regulations. In effect they accuse him of being a criminal, yet they bring no charges.

If that is true CAsA is the legal entity responsible for enforcing those regulations. Isn't it incumbent on them to prosecute Mr Buckley for those breaches? What's the old saying? "Justice delayed is justice denied".

Given that CAsA has deliberately impoverished Mr Buckley, as an individual, would he therefore be eligible for legal aid if they brought their allegations to court?
It occurs to me that illegal immigrants are provided with millions of dollars to fight our system, why not an actual citizen?

Wonder what a concerted campaign to the Attorney General and DPP demanding CASA DO THEIR JOB and enforce the law might stir up? Media might sit up and take notice at least.

Hmm...Thorny funny how the Fort Fumble ICC (ie the other Jonathon... Rolleyes ) would appear to agree with you... Sad 

[Image: Aviation-House-4.jpg]

Who was it again that brought us CAR 206?? - MTF...P2  Tongue

Yup P2 and the other one would disagree with him.
All this illustrates is that the government has been lying to the public for years that aviation is legal in Australia.

It is I guess, up to a point, the real point is that you can squander your money and invest in an aviation business just don't get too successful.
If you do your very likely to have the whole thing pulled out from under you.

The Devil, the details and Dopey minister.

TB – “The thought occurred to me that CAsA maintains Glen Buckley was in breach of the regulations. In effect they accuse him of being a criminal, yet they bring no charges.”

And there’s the rub. The ICC makes several valid points; non of which assist Buckley in any meaningful way. It seems to me that this is an ‘ideological barney, rather than a legal one. Buckley has breeched no rules: therefore charges cannot be laid. It appears as though Buckley has followed and met all the requirements of the first Certificate Management Team (CMT) ticked all the required boxes and felt free to follow his charted business model. Until some bright spark had an ‘Oh Duck’ moment, bringing in the spectre of ‘AOC’ sharing and the possibility that CASA has perhaps, maybe aided and abetted a ‘potential’ criminal act. From this point onward; Reg 206 and a dollop of paranoia join in the confusion. A confusion generated IMO by the regulatory shambles. Convoluted, complex, confused regulations with blurred edges and tentacles wrapped around other convoluted contradictory parts, make it damn near impossible to separate ‘sheep from goats’.

CASA’s response to their self generated legal uncertainty (paranoia) was classic. If in doubt, shut it down, by fair our fowl means. There is enough resident evil and ‘wriggle room’ within the legislation and crew to support all and any action CASA deem righteous to leave themselves free of any blowback. When you add the fact that CASA actually flew in a new team, included a man with a documented ‘grudge’ against Buckley, the intent became abundantly clear. CASA believes it is exposed and there nothing more dangerous; thus, Buckley is introduced to ‘the Dragon’.

I have trouble believing Buckley committed an offence against ‘law’; but I have no trouble at all believing that CASA undertook an underhanded, although probably ‘perfectly legal’ action to prevent the utter mess the regulations are in becoming exposed. Legal, probably, immoral and despicable? Most certainly. Can it be set to rights? Unlikely, considering the CASA selection of a dangerous incompetent to manage the show, supported by track record and history. I doubt the minister is even aware of the wrangle, let alone interested. Even if he was, he’d more than likely wash his hands and leave it his experts to sort out. Which leaves a creature like Crawford, aided by Aleck running the shop and, as Qantas found out, the hard expensive way, that is probably not the best idea anyone ever had.

Aye, mysterious indeed are the ways of the Gods.

Toot - toot

Buckley's CRIME K, was potentially being too successful. Being successful leads to growth, growth in turn provides influence, a certain amount of implied power.

Influence and Power is an existential risk to CAsA and we know how CAsA abhors risk, risk to their hegemony, bugger all else.

So Mr Buckley had to go, by hook or by crook.

Just the way it is in Australia now, you can't beat the Big End of Town and unfortunately for Mr Buckley he was not a member of that club.

Hegemony? – accurate; if subjective.

Curse you Thorny. Ramble follows. Spot on as it happens; IMO at least – (well barring Gramsci).

TB – “Just the way it is in Australia now, you can't beat the Big End of Town; and, unfortunately for Mr Buckley - he was not a member of that club.”

Yeah, but it all began back in the cave days. There have always been ‘class/clan’ distinctions; be it the best hunter; boat builder, trader or even Gypsy tinker. Power = money/ Money = power. Be it in Shells, Dates, Water or even metal. Dynasty’s have grown and fallen in pursuit of both. But, definition of which of the two elements is ascendant is clearly writ in history. ‘Tis power. Fortunes have been made and lost; but for those who failed to make one through wit, nerve and skill there was always the ‘subjective’ servile role. For example; in day’s of Yore, the man who emptied the Kings chamber pot was not rich; not by any means. But power, within ambit, was almost immeasurable; to those who depended on the influence of the man 'privileged' to take the King’s piss pot out. Yup: those ‘in service’ to and money and power had a position - on the back of house staircase.

We see it today writ large. The public service being a natural development of those who are ‘associated’ with money and power, without needing or having the balls and brains to go out and wrest their own. Why bother? A perfectly comfortable, safe, rewarding existence may be had, without risk, by simply emptying chamber pots. Progress from chamber pot emptier to ‘advisor’ or key keeper on the coattails of those who actually hold power is not a road which demands much in the way of ‘risk’. Civil servitude and a willingness to carry the chamber pot, with a happy smile is about as much talent as is needed. Aye, the steady rise to power is often negotiated on the back stairs, favour for favour; boon for boon; and if a convenient back to knife presents; or an opportunity to safely rise in favour over another – well then.

You may see this in the local golf club, even in the workplace. Small cliques of like minded folk bonded in mutual pursuits. The pinnacle of this ‘mentality’ is seen in the ‘public service’. Take ASA, ATSB or CASA as the quintessential example. A minister’s democratically bestowed ‘power’ clandestinely usurped by those who would have the ‘real’ power amicable to their own ends. The money rolls in – no problem; but – when the unmentionable hits the whirligig; who gets it in the neck? You guessed – the man who won the power in the first place. Off with their heads. Who’s? Well you may ask; not the man who emptied the King’s own chamber pot; nor those who coveted the position. MacDonaught’s chamber pot is overflowing; will he empty the thing himself?

I think not. He dare not touch the stinking thing – not without the guidance of ‘expert’ help. I doubt he even knows where the garderobe is; or, what to do when he gets there. The power of the man who empties the pot; clearly defined.

Whew; now that children, was indeed a ramble worthy of “K”. I shall retire to the bar area and attempt, with fluid assistance to restore my ‘sang-froid’. Cheers……..

[Image: Untitled%2B2.jpg]

Here’s an idea.

There is on Pprune over 600+ ‘posts’ related to the shameful tale of G.Buckley Esq. It is as fine an example of CASA embuggerance as any and typifies the deeply rooted distrust and disrespect the majority of industry have for that organisation. Buckley has carefully documented each step along his own road to perdition; and is not going to go down without a fight. For it’s own sake, everyone connected with aviation should get behind his cause and give it a great big shove.

You don’t have to plough through the hundreds of posts; there are two which, IMO, say all that needs be said. How’s about anyone who knows someone going to ‘Safe-Skies’ sending them a copy? Or, how about get a hundred of so printed as a hand out, and paper the delegates attending the SS gabfest. I wonder what the lady Chair of ICAO would make of the ‘Australian’ version of an exemplar regulatory body then? Particularly in the glare of Australian ‘light’ compliance with the ICAO rule set.

AP will make certain that the Senators receive a copy; probably waste a bit of time sending one to the minister; but it must be done. Let us all try to get an inquiry mounted into the many Acts of Embuggerance’ perpetrated by CASA on individuals and business. This simply cannot be allowed to continue unabated. The tools are at your disposal, all that’s needed is to pick ‘em up, set to work and get this monstrous organisation put back in it’s box.

If you read nothing else this week, spare five minutes to read and consider the posts linked below. If you think it fair and reasonable, then think no further. But if you have been sickened by the many horror stories of CASA actions against individuals and operators; do something. Get involved…Buckley - Arctaurus….

Toot – toot.

A Ministerial Red Face? Blush

All gossip and hearsay of course; but it seems (according to rumour) that McDoNaught has got himself into a tangle; politically embarrassed if he do; condemned and damned by the aviation industry if he don’t. All due to the piss poor advice he receives. Can’t feel much sympathy – but, in the interest of betterment for aviation, the BRB decided to weigh in and try to minimise the damage to GGGG Mick Mack.

The cleft stick is firmly lodged on his scrawny neck. One side - International and domestic political embarrassment (big time) from the Angel Flight debacle, making it seemingly impossible for him to have the wretched ‘report’ thing withdrawn. The other side is allowing a clearly defined nonsense to be held up as a definitive, world class ‘safety’ action, which will prevent future accidents.

There is only one plausible, right answer. Grasp the nettle and be seen as the man with the vision and foresight to demand, in the interests of public safety, to have the report withdrawn and redone – properly. Remember ATSB and Pel-Air? Remember ATSB and MH 370 - We do………..

For as sure as eggs is eggs; the blame for the next fatal accident, which may have been prevented by a ‘world class’ investigation and response into yet another LOC in instrument conditions, by a pilot not trained in such will be laid at his door; and, it will haunt him for the rest of days. The Angel Flight report is deeply flawed Minister; being openly politically manipulated, completely unacceptable and, in essence – dangerous. People like the NTSB will not fall for the shameless spin. There is no shame in doing that which right; there is however lots in allowing the abomination to stand as testament to your ministry. Get some sound advice, do the right thing and see the support you get. Your call – your career, your ministry. Are you running it, or is it running you?

Toot toot.

(10-15-2019, 07:58 AM)Kharon Wrote:  [Image: Untitled_Clipping_091519_094524_AM.jpg]

A Ministerial Red Face? Blush

All gossip and hearsay of course; but it seems (according to rumour) that McDoNaught has got himself into a tangle; politically embarrassed if he do; condemned and damned by the aviation industry if he don’t. All due to the piss poor advice he receives. Can’t feel much sympathy – but, in the interest of betterment for aviation, the BRB decided to weigh in and try to minimise the damage to GGGG Mick Mack.

The cleft stick is firmly lodged on his scrawny neck. One side - International and domestic political embarrassment (big time) from the Angel Flight debacle, making it seemingly impossible for him to have the wretched ‘report’ thing withdrawn. The other side is allowing a clearly defined nonsense to be held up as a definitive, world class ‘safety’ action, which will prevent future accidents.

There is only one plausible, right answer. Grasp the nettle and be seen as the man with the vision and foresight to demand, in the interests of public safety, to have the report withdrawn and redone – properly. Remember ATSB and Pel-Air? Remember ATSB and MH 370 - We do………..

For as sure as eggs is eggs; the blame for the next fatal accident, which may have been prevented by a ‘world class’ investigation and response into yet another LOC in instrument conditions, by a pilot not trained in such will be laid at his door; and, it will haunt him for the rest of days. The Angel Flight report is deeply flawed Minister; being openly politically manipulated, completely unacceptable and, in essence – dangerous. People like the NTSB will not fall for the shameless spin. There is no shame in doing that which right; there is however lots in allowing the abomination to stand as testament to your ministry. Get some sound advice, do the right thing and see the support you get. Your call – your career, your ministry. Are you running it, or is it running you?

Toot toot.

Addendum to the ministerial red face... Rolleyes

Via the miniscule's Twitter page, GGGG Mick Mack promoting "Airport Safety Week"... Shy 


[Image: 2f300dd9df15ab8c64bbfa7ac424d397.jpg]

Michael McCormack @M_McCormackMP

This week marks the start of Airport Safety Week. A campaign to raise awareness of safety in and around airports in conjunction with the Australian Airports Association and the NZ Airports Association. Airport Safety is everyone’s business. #airportsafetyweek

This bollocks tweep was diligently picked up by the AOPA Oz Benjamins... Wink

Quote:AOPA Benjamin Morgan @aopaaustralia · Oct 14
Replying to @M_McCormackMP

Safety is important; but what is your government doing to reign in unsustainable airport leasehold rates, user fees and charges, that are undermining the viability of general aviation and the airlines?

Ben Wyndham @ben_wyndham
Replying to @M_McCormackMP

Not a GA aircraft to be seen, Minister. Do you accept your "safety" rules have wiped out small aviation businesses? for a penny, in for a pound...stacks on the mill -  Big Grin 

Spruiking airport safety yet there the DFO still sits? Meanwhile you ensure the integrity of the
@AuSenate #RRAT committee has been compromised by not allowing the committee chair to recommend the
@atsbinfo pull their severely flawed report

[Image: EG5tzQMU0AAjXLo?format=jpg&name=small]

[Image: EG5tzQKVAAEWOfK?format=jpg&name=360x360]

[Image: EG5tzQKUwAAtV8C?format=jpg&name=360x360]

Don't believe me then how about from someone who knows a thing or two about both airport and aviation safety: Dr Gates letter to the
#RRAT committee
@smacokay @GlennSterle @Senator_Patrick @SenSHenderson @sandyreith @cnegroni @MikeChillit

[Image: EG5t0e3UcAARBbG?format=jpg&name=small]

And if you think we're going stop shaming you until you actually do something about fixing the obvious deficiencies inside of your aviation safety bureaucracy think again - some light reading...? : & via

[Image: EG5t1XqU4AEKGtc?format=jpg&name=small]

[Image: EG5t1XqU8AAiFwr?format=jpg&name=small]

Don't know about anyone else but I feel much better... Wink

MTF? Yes much...P2 Tongue

This week marks the start of Airport Safety Week.

[Image: D2Sxx76U8AAGCpm.png]

Fantastic! – does this mean we finally get to see who is actually responsible for and made money from the building of Direct Factory Outlets within the confines of a runway safety zone? Or will the ATSB ‘world class’ report be buried until Safe Skies is over? Mind you, or current form the miniscule will probably promote and support the Hood notion that the DFOP’s are actually a safety feature; Essendon demonstrating the case. You see children, had it not been for a convenient building placed in the path of an aircraft with a problem, the aircraft may have actually hit something off the aerodrome and hurt someone. A potential for 1000 shoppers and their kids being killed ‘airside’ is a much safer option.

[Image: Dzq7rUEUYAAEnQp.jpg]

A campaign to raise awareness of safety in and around airports in conjunction with the Australian Airports Association and the NZ Airports Association.

[Image: DySQgsBU0AApaKC.jpg]

Non of this ‘raised awareness’ will bring in a government call to adopt the very safe, sane gold standard the USA uses to address the risk to building in close proximity to active runways. Oh no, it will all be about how ‘safely’ build as much as possible on the airport, without loosing any of the money spread about to ensure permission is granted, fines are paid and everyone is happy with their cut.

Airport Safety is everyone’s business.

It most certainly is a developer’s business, and why not. When for a bag of candy and a night with his sister a developer can not only build on an aerodrome, but gain the protection of the ATSB who can lay any blame for death or injury caused by a six ton aircraft slamming into a packed building, igniting all in an inferno of aviation fuel, with no fire fighting service immediately available on the hapless aircrew, who may have saved an aircraft – were it not for a DFO in it’s rightful flight path.

Absolutely stellar minister; you are on the right track there to fame and glory. We can now add to the 5G Mick-Mac legend –Big BBQ specialist. It will go well alongside the other well deserved tiles.

Toot – MTF – toot.
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