Sodd's Law of the Ocean: hereby invoked.
“Sodd's law is a more extreme version of Murphy's law. While Murphy's law says that anything that can go wrong, will go wrong (eventually), Sod's law requires that it will always go wrong with the worst possible outcome or at the worst time.”
“I'm not absolutely certain of the facts, but I rather fancy it's Shakespeare who says that it's always just when a fellow is feeling particularly braced with things in general that Fate sneaks up behind him with the bit of lead piping.”
Having my old F.O (Murphy) reside in my flight bag for over half a century; and having cursed multiple VAAP (Voice activated Auto Pilot) for bouncing in saying stuff like; the weather's great; Gee Whiz this aircraft is going like dream; or, informing me 'we will be at the gate – on time'. Call me superstitious; but to my mind and I may add experience – 'it ain't necessarily so'. Granny called it tempting fate; Gann called it 'Fate'; some even believe it invokes the Gremlins to visit. The time to say 'that was a good job' is in the Pub afterwards.
Why can't Bailey just STFU! Why put the Mocha's on the search? On what grounds and based on what knowledge of the technology or 'search' methodology can he possibly declare they will find MH 370? Has 'he' exclusive' information? Nah, didn't think so. I doubt he would understand the science, data or logic supporting the search; nor the money 'games' to back a Lloyd's 'open' search. The costs are phenomenal; the risk extreme, not only for the search, but to loose one of the scanning modules; or, to loose a ship and crew; or, to return to port empty handed. Bailey has naught at risk, yet even before the 'seekers' strike pay dirt – he's on the 'telly' spouting his 'expert' opinion.
![[Image: D05ZtSnWoAAfBWZ.jpg]](
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt."
Toot – bloody Toot;
“Sodd's law is a more extreme version of Murphy's law. While Murphy's law says that anything that can go wrong, will go wrong (eventually), Sod's law requires that it will always go wrong with the worst possible outcome or at the worst time.”
“I'm not absolutely certain of the facts, but I rather fancy it's Shakespeare who says that it's always just when a fellow is feeling particularly braced with things in general that Fate sneaks up behind him with the bit of lead piping.”
Having my old F.O (Murphy) reside in my flight bag for over half a century; and having cursed multiple VAAP (Voice activated Auto Pilot) for bouncing in saying stuff like; the weather's great; Gee Whiz this aircraft is going like dream; or, informing me 'we will be at the gate – on time'. Call me superstitious; but to my mind and I may add experience – 'it ain't necessarily so'. Granny called it tempting fate; Gann called it 'Fate'; some even believe it invokes the Gremlins to visit. The time to say 'that was a good job' is in the Pub afterwards.
Why can't Bailey just STFU! Why put the Mocha's on the search? On what grounds and based on what knowledge of the technology or 'search' methodology can he possibly declare they will find MH 370? Has 'he' exclusive' information? Nah, didn't think so. I doubt he would understand the science, data or logic supporting the search; nor the money 'games' to back a Lloyd's 'open' search. The costs are phenomenal; the risk extreme, not only for the search, but to loose one of the scanning modules; or, to loose a ship and crew; or, to return to port empty handed. Bailey has naught at risk, yet even before the 'seekers' strike pay dirt – he's on the 'telly' spouting his 'expert' opinion.
![[Image: D05ZtSnWoAAfBWZ.jpg]](
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt."
Toot – bloody Toot;