08-14-2015, 07:49 PM
Nearly missed the following from the Oz, but thought it most appropriate for kicking off this thread:
My apologies to kharon for I did not know the Coroner was due to hand down his findings on this terrible tragedy - condolences to family, friends & former work colleagues of Kathryn Sheppard & Andrew Wilson.
Quote:CASA needs to interview after safety risks
CASA should consider developing laws allowing it to interview people after flight safety risks, the NSW deputy state coroner says.
- From: AAP
- August 14, 2015 2:30PM
THE recommendation comes from Deputy State Coroner Paul MacMahon's inquiry into the death of Kathryn Anne Sheppard, who was killed along with pilot Andrew Wilson, when their twin-engine plane crashed at Canley Vale in southwest Sydney in June 2010.
Mr Wilson had declared an emergency just 20 minutes after taking-off from Bankstown Airport and was returning from the Richmond area, but the plane went down about 5km from the runway.
It was also recommended that CASA, the Civil Aviation Safety Authority, update its guidelines for multi-engine aeroplane operations and training.
Mr MacMahon found that Ms Sheppard died from a combination of head injuries and the effects of fire sustained in the crash.
"The aircraft in which she was travelling as a passenger suffered engine failure and as a result impacted with the ground and became engulfed in flames," he said in findings released on Friday.
The plane struck a power pole, crashed and burst into flames in the front yard of a house next to Canley Vale Public School, but no one on the ground was injured.
Teachers herded children to the back of the school and emergency services soon evacuated them to a nearby park, Canley Vale Public School principal Cheryl McBride told AAP at the time.
Four adults and three children, were taken to Liverpool Hospital suffering emotional distress after witnessing the explosion.
My apologies to kharon for I did not know the Coroner was due to hand down his findings on this terrible tragedy - condolences to family, friends & former work colleagues of Kathryn Sheppard & Andrew Wilson.