Without asking for a red cent to support him, or even asking the industry to help; Dick, all by him little self, has taken on the role of advocate. I say Bravo that man.
When you think on, Dick could do pretty much as pleased him – whenever it pleased him. He has no need of a job, no kids to get through school, no massive mortgage or the need to generate the massive amounts of money required to buy a home and raise a family. Hells bells, he could be smoking a Havana on the fan deck of a luxury yacht, sipping a Mojito having sunscreen lotion applied by nubile young matrons – tomorrow - if it pleased him. But no; what does he do, he takes on the trolls and fools who hang about the UP; and then, spends some of his remaining time on this planet visiting the Wagga RSL – To try and get a message through the brick wall built to protect ‘the system’ which is killing a perfectly viable, safe, tax paying industry.
I mean Wagga (FFS)– of all the gin joints – in all the world? Why? Well the latest incumbent of the sit still and do ‘nuttin’ aviation portfolio lives there – that’s why. If Dick can convince only a small percentage of the Mc (Whatsisname) voters that another name for ‘member’ is ‘Prick’ then; he has done well for this dying industry.
I say Bravo Dick; get a muzzle on Morgan though, and be sure that the SMS messages in support flow through on the day. Thanks mate, I appreciate the effort; let’s hope it was worthwhile. At least your conscience is clear. The next round is on me.
When you think on, Dick could do pretty much as pleased him – whenever it pleased him. He has no need of a job, no kids to get through school, no massive mortgage or the need to generate the massive amounts of money required to buy a home and raise a family. Hells bells, he could be smoking a Havana on the fan deck of a luxury yacht, sipping a Mojito having sunscreen lotion applied by nubile young matrons – tomorrow - if it pleased him. But no; what does he do, he takes on the trolls and fools who hang about the UP; and then, spends some of his remaining time on this planet visiting the Wagga RSL – To try and get a message through the brick wall built to protect ‘the system’ which is killing a perfectly viable, safe, tax paying industry.
I mean Wagga (FFS)– of all the gin joints – in all the world? Why? Well the latest incumbent of the sit still and do ‘nuttin’ aviation portfolio lives there – that’s why. If Dick can convince only a small percentage of the Mc (Whatsisname) voters that another name for ‘member’ is ‘Prick’ then; he has done well for this dying industry.
I say Bravo Dick; get a muzzle on Morgan though, and be sure that the SMS messages in support flow through on the day. Thanks mate, I appreciate the effort; let’s hope it was worthwhile. At least your conscience is clear. The next round is on me.