Wonders will never cease, CASA at long last shamed and prodded into talking some reform, for without doubt CASA would not have moved without industry pressure. Too bad the obvious shocker, leaving out IFR and Night VFR. Could have followed the US but CASA can’t help themselves, CASA knows best and our system must be unique.
Just tried to get more information from the CASA website but nothing showing there. A forlorn hope that they might publish such a measure in a business like manner, of course not.
So now to the nitty gritty, the devil’s in the details that so far remain, conveniently, unmentioned. Obviously didn’t want to spoil a good story. What about existing medical imperfections that thousands of pilots have? No doubt there’ll be all sorts of provisos and criteria to keep AVMED busy and many a Private Pilot frustrated with costs and extraordinary procedures like the insane ‘stay awake’ torture test recently perpetrated on one perfectly average and conscientious Private Pilot.
This way overdue reform, when (if) it happens will be a welcome start. I say ‘when’ advisedly because after watching CASA ruin a good industry and running a never to be finished rules rewrite over thirty years, still not finished, one can have no faith in CASA timelines whatsoever.
Just tried to get more information from the CASA website but nothing showing there. A forlorn hope that they might publish such a measure in a business like manner, of course not.
So now to the nitty gritty, the devil’s in the details that so far remain, conveniently, unmentioned. Obviously didn’t want to spoil a good story. What about existing medical imperfections that thousands of pilots have? No doubt there’ll be all sorts of provisos and criteria to keep AVMED busy and many a Private Pilot frustrated with costs and extraordinary procedures like the insane ‘stay awake’ torture test recently perpetrated on one perfectly average and conscientious Private Pilot.
This way overdue reform, when (if) it happens will be a welcome start. I say ‘when’ advisedly because after watching CASA ruin a good industry and running a never to be finished rules rewrite over thirty years, still not finished, one can have no faith in CASA timelines whatsoever.