12-21-2024, 08:23 PM
Supplementary Estimates QON finally tabled?? -
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Betsy's aviation & airport minions:
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Hmm...not holding my breath that any of those QON will be answered before the calling of the next election...
93 https://www.aph.gov.au/api/qon/downloade...onNumber93
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Betsy's aviation & airport minions:
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1. In terms of the performance reporting and monitoring of Airservices that the Department conducts, what performance reporting and monitoring data has the Department collected and reviewed about Airservices' performance in actually reducing noise and reducing the health and wellbeing harms associated with noise pollution experienced by Brisbane communities?
a. Has Airservices managed to deliver any net noise reductions in Brisbane in the last four years as promised to communities?
2. The Noise Action Plan currently being rolled out by Airservices contains no impact metrics. Airservices have been asked through AAB, through BACACG, through BFPCA, and during engagement sessions since the NAB started, to install proper assessment metrics and impact KPIs and measures, yet they refuse and to this date there are no proper ways provided to objectively assess whether any net noise reductions have been achieved or will be achieved. What is the Department's position on this failure, and when will they intervene as part of their performance reporting and monitoring of Airservices?
126 https://www.aph.gov.au/api/qon/downloade...nNumber126
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1. How many ''Complaints about failure to provide regulatory oversight for Airservices Australia'' has the Department received from the public since 2023 to now?
2. What are the allegations of these complaints submitted by community members?
3. How has the Department investigated and processed these complaints?
4. How has the Department responded to complainants?
128 https://www.aph.gov.au/api/qon/downloade...nNumber128
Has the Department sought resources in the forward estimates for a full and extensive review of the Airports Act 1996 and associated regulations beyond what was suggested in Initiatives 38 - 40 of the White Paper to address the Act's flawed and inequitable consultation and assessment processes?
129 https://www.aph.gov.au/api/qon/downloade...nNumber129
1. Is the Department's strategic planning focused on enshrining the World Health Organisation's (WHO) health related noise metrics in a fully reviewed 1996 Airports Act; Australian Standard AS2021:2015; the Airservices Australia ANEF approvals; and, in the National Airports Safeguarding Framework (NASF) applicable to all airports and military airfields in Australia?
a. If not, what are the forward plans for the Department properly considering modern, evidence informed noise metrics to mitigate noise harm?
2. Has the Department considered the long term national benefits of adopting the WHO researched international health related noise metrics?
3. How is the Department responding to recent recommendations on community health from the WHO that the following new health related aircraft noise metrics be introduced to mitigate noise harm:
a. maximum environmental night-time noise level below 40 db.
b. maximum environmental day-time noise level below 45 db, and
c. the inadequacy of all current aircraft noise metrics to properly protect the health and wellbeing of communities
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The announcement of initiative 40 to review the Airports Act 1996 by 2030 via a comprehensive review is welcomed.
Are there any decisions that could occur in the interim prior to 2030 when the review is to be finalised, that could undermine our federally leased airports across Australia?
147 https://www.aph.gov.au/api/qon/downloade...nNumber147
1. Who makes decisions about general aviation businesses on site at our Federally leased sites?
2. Who is the regulator of Federally Leased Airports?
3. What role does the Department see itself in terms of the regulating federally leased airports?
148 https://www.aph.gov.au/api/qon/downloade...nNumber148
1. What is the process within the Department to assess a Major Development Plan MDP?
2. What Departmental oversight occurs on the processes or outcomes between the Airport Leasing Company (ALC) and the Airport Building Controller ABC?
3. Does the Department audit the applications between any of the ALC and their respective ABC to ensure that compliance is maintained?
4. How would the Minister of the day have any oversight on the processes or outcomes between the ALC and the ABC if the Department does not have any oversight?
5. Are these costs ever audited?
6. What is to stop the ALC and ABC from colluding to negate the need for a MDP?
7. Are the ALC's allowed to develop the land at the airport?
149 https://www.aph.gov.au/api/qon/downloade...nNumber149
1. According to the ALC lease, when the ALC develops land at the airport, they are required to have regard to the actual and anticipated future growth in, and pattern of, traffic demand for the Airport. How is it that there is no oversight into what is occurring at these airports?
2. How does the Department ensure that the leases are adhered to?
3. When a permitted, non-aviation, development is proposed by an ALC the Department, the Regulator does not see these applications if the ALC and the ABC state that that none is required?
150 https://www.aph.gov.au/api/qon/downloade...nNumber150
1. In the Moorabbin Airport Masterplan for 2021, the Department was made aware that multiple aviation tenants who were either unable to obtain a lease from the airport or unable to obtain a lease longer than 5 years.
2. How does the Department ensure that ALC are in fact providing for the use of Airports as an airport and having regard to 'actual and anticipated future growth'?
3. How does the Department regulate what is occurring on federally leased airport sites?
151 https://www.aph.gov.au/api/qon/downloade...nNumber151
1. What Act of Parliament covers ALCs?
2. What triggers a Major Development Plan?
3. Did the Department provide advice to the Minister of the Day that a MDP for the Moorabbin Airport was not required?
4. If a non-aviation building meets the required construction threshold, then is a MDP required?
5. How does the ALC at Moorabbin meet their requirements of their Lease with the Commonwealth of Australia that they must provide for the use of the airport as an airport and have had regard to the actual and anticipated future growth in, and pattern of, traffic demand for the airport.
Download question
Answer Unanswered.
162 https://www.aph.gov.au/api/qon/downloade...nNumber162
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Hmm...not holding my breath that any of those QON will be answered before the calling of the next election...