Dear Ben - L&Ks mcoates??
Via the UP:
Via the UP:
As a member of the readership of this website, we have devoted significant time and emotional investment towards perusing the narrative of Glen.
Our commitment has not only involved the expenditure of time, but also the manifestation of compassion, offers of support, and discourse with others when the opportunity arose to deliberate upon these issues.
Upon viewing the video declaration made by Ben Morgan, I experienced a sensation of enthusiasm on behalf of Glen and other individuals who possess a direct interest in the matter, as I believed that progress was finally going to be achieved. Analogously, like many others, I monitored the website with regularity in anticipation of the promised update, which, regrettably, never transpired.
The lack of a comprehensive explanation as to the factors that impeded the realisation of the promised update leaves me to wonder why such an occurrence came to pass.
I presume that there may be others who share my inquisitiveness regarding the causes behind this unfulfilled commitment. Is there any chance that an individual could shed light on the reasons that hindered the delivery of the promised update?
Is it possible that there exist hidden forces operating in the background that prevented the disclosure of this information?
Waiting in anticipation for an update....