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Quote:Our Board meeting 23 June 2022
The Board of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) meets six times per calendar year to fulfil its obligations under Section 53 of the Civil Aviation Act 1988 to decide the objectives, strategies and policies to be followed by CASA; to ensure that CASA performs its functions in a proper, efficient and effective manner.
The CASA Board continued with its interstate meetings, this time hosting its Board meeting in Brisbane on 23 June 2022. The timing of this meeting was planned to coincide with Rotortech 2022 (helicopter and unmanned flight exposition) and afforded the CASA Board members an opportunity to attend the Rotortech conference and meet with a number of industry participants. The Board also visited the new Headquarters of Angel Flight and met with their Board, and had a productive meeting with the Board members from Aviation Australia.
Prior to its meeting, the CASA Board also met with two industry representatives who discussed the significant issues facing General Aviation (GA) training organisations, in particular the importance of current initiatives around the Flight Examiner Rating Course (FERC) and Examiner Rating Proficiency Checks (EPC). This meeting was beneficial in helping shape the Board’s discussion of CASA’s GA Work plan. The industry representatives also provided their views on how CASA should adapt its approach to better support operations that are vital for a sustainable GA sector.
CASA Board meetings follow a theme-based agenda focusing on organisational matters and operational matters that affect the aviation industry. The organisational matters centre around CASA’s corporate governance, financial position, the status of major projects, cyber security issues, organisational culture, WH&S and workforce planning.
The meeting focused on the issues and risks relating to aviation safety in both an Australian and international context. The Board was briefed on accidents and incidents data and performance results against the national regulatory oversight program of work. The Board also discussed the proposed approach for industry surveillance coverage as we adapt to living with COVID.
Other key matters considered by the Board included:
- The medical applications backlog, and recent and future improvements to reduce application wait times
- The timeline and milestones in the GA Work-plan
- The road to recovery of the aviation operating environment as domestic and international travel numbers continue to increase
- The external performance audit that was undertaken by the Commonwealth Government’s auditors, the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) that examined CASA’s Planning and Conduct of Surveillance Activities.
Outside the Board meeting, a strategy session was held with Board members and the CASA Executive team on 24 June. This session examined CASA’s strategic environment and discussed those strategic risks over which the CASA Board will maintain an active interest given the Board’s core responsibilities. Identification of CASA’s current strategic risks also identified some new and emerging risks. The strategic risks identified and refined during this discussion will be presented to the Board for formal consideration in August.
The next meeting of the CASA Board will be held in Canberra on 24 August 2022.