(05-26-2022, 06:51 PM)Peetwo Wrote: Ben Morgan's take on CASA meeting -
Courtesy LMH, via the Yaffa:
Quote:CASA understands Need for Change: AOPA
26 May 2022
Hmm...err no comment -
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Quote:Sandy Reith
Isn’t that nice?
Benjamin Morgan
Sandy Reith whilst I appreciate the frustration with the system, I am uncertain as to what benefit it would produce by attacking the DAS at every turn? As the article states, AOPA Australia met with the DAS and Board Chair, and there was a consensus on the need for key reforms to medicals, maintenance and flight instruction to help the industry. Yes, there was a difference in opinion as to how we make those changes (ie. FAA v CASA Regulations), and there is still a great deal of work to do in relation to achieving the results. This all said, advocacy has its best chance for success when we are all at the table, which we are at this time.
Damien Sparky Nott
Benjamin Morgan Yes there is a need - a *dire* need - for immediate reform, otherwise we'll have no industry at all. However, the current DAS is not the right person for the job, and the board is a toothless tiger.
FAR's all the way - our current regulations are a dog's breakfast and not fit for purpose. Used to be our neighbours used CAsA regs, now they've mostly switched to the NZ regs. Why is that, I wonder?? Strict liability must go as it detracts from safety. How many incidents go unreported because of the real fear that CAsA will go after you? One only has to look at the current proceedings which you have been covering to see the lengths CAsA will go to in order to get their man, by hook or by crook. If they don't like you, you're gone.
The solution is so simple, but must have political will to get done. And *that* is sadly lacking.
Sandy Reith
Mate I’m not saying “attack” I’m saying put the facts and prosecute our case forcefully and make it clear that sympathy is not sufficient. We need to lobby MPs because talking to CASA, whilst necessary, is mostly wasting time. Also please don’t tell them we think we have a “great” DAS because Ms. Spence might think enough has been done.
She has been in the job from 17th. May ‘21 and received for six weeks work to 30th June 2021 $253,089.00 according to the CASA annual report.
In 12 months CASA has removed the Cessna SIDs for PVT and AWK which should not have been there in the first place. Value for money? Parliament is where we must expend our greatest energies, one reform per annum is too slow. As for the Board, they’ve done nothing and won’t instruct CEO Spence.
Sandy Reith
Damien Sparky Nott how true and our AOPA needs to engage with the membership via email so we can energise the political campaign that has to be our main focus.